Two changes that recently landed in web-platform-tests make it easier to write tests that require access to non-web-exposed features:

* testdriver APIs now work in many situations involving multiple browsing contexts origins

* SpecialPowers is now available in gecko-only web-platform-tests


testdriver [1] is a cross-browser API provided by wpt for performing privileged actions, notably those involving trusted user gestures. Because it's cross-browser this is the preferred way to write tests requiring such interactions, where possible.

The default implementation of testdriver uses WebDriver on the backend, and where specs provide WebDriver APIs for automation (e.g. [2]) they can be exposed to wpt via testdriver.

Previously testdriver APIs only worked in the browsing context containing the test harness. Now it's possible to use them in any browsing context that is reachable from the context containing the harness (i.e. any context that can postMessage to the test window). Full documentation is given in [1].

Unfortunately handling cases where the contexts can't communicate e.g. rel=noopener remains challenging because of limitations in webdriver/the way we communicate between the harness and the browser. It isn't impossible to fix these cases, but will require additional work. Please let me know when you're blocked writing cross-browser tests because of such limitations since this will help prioritise the work.


The SpecialPowers API that's commonly used in gecko-specific tests in other harnesses is now available for use in gecko-specific web-platform-tests i.e. those that live in testing/web-platform/mozilla/tests These tests obviously can't be run cross-browser and aren't upstreamed. Therefore it's preferable to write a shareable test using testdriver or similar where possible. However there are some cases where that simply doesn't provide the required features and rather than forcing authors to write mochitest-plain tests for those cases it's now (hopefully) possible to do everything required for content tests in wpt.

Currently this is only enabled for js (i.e. testharness) tests. If there are use cases that require SpecialPowers in other test types (e.g. wpt reftests) please let me know.

To be really clear here, this isn't suitable for anything that would have previously used e.g. a browser-chrome test. The intent is to make it possible to test web apis in a way that requires occasional access to internals, not to allow testing the internals themselves.

Future Work

We want to keep making this kind of improvement to wpt, especially where doing so allows us to drive compatibility improvements by writing cross-browser tests where it was previously impossible.

We are proposing and making an initial implementation of the Browser Testing API spec [3], which is designed to provide a place to specify test-only features that don't make sense in WebDriver; the initial scope is a function to invoke a garbage collection; this has been a longstanding feature request. If there are additional APIs that people think would make sense in such a spec, please let me know.

In general if there are places where wpt doesn't meet our requirements for testing, or there are chances to improve the test writing ergonomics please let me know and we can make sure that work gets appropriate priority. Shared tests remains a key technique for ensuring interoperability between different browser engines.

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