OK, let's dive into the CPS dissection game...

On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 03:26:08PM -0700, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
> ** CPS section, Extended Validation Certificates (SSL and
> Code Signing): For Extended Validation Certificates, the EV
> Guidelines are followed.

I'm new to this, so perhaps the answer is "yes, of course it is", but is
that a sufficient description of how EV certs are validated?  The EV
guidelines contain wording such as "Acceptable methods [...] include", which
suggests to me that other methods *could* be used.  What are the methods
that are used by this CA for issuance of certificates under this root?

At the very least, I think there needs to be better description of *which*
EV guidelines are being followed.  "Guidelines for the Issuance and
Management of Extended Validation Certificates, version 1.4.9 or later, as
published by the CA/Browser Forum" would be a far less ambiguous

> ** CPS section, Class 1 (Personal Sign 1 & PersonalSign 1
> Demo Certificates): The Applicant is required to demonstrate control
> of the email address to which the Certificate relates.

How is this done?

- Matt

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