
                There seems to be some problem with emails getting
through the list, for some participants, on some occasions.


In the recent thread on this list, entitled

"Proposal: Advocate to get Section 9.3.1 (Reserved Certificate Policy
Identifiers) made mandatory" 
Gerv pointed out to me that an email I had sent had not appeared in the
Google Groups view of the list.


I went through the thread to see what was missing, and recorded which
were missing in this spreadsheet:



The posts to this thread by Robin Alden (me), Moudrick Dadashov, and
Kyle Hamilton didn't make it to the Google Groups view.


This isn't a complaint so much as a heads-up, that the google groups
view of the list is broken and if you rely on the Google Groups view you
are missing out on parts of the conversation!


Perhaps Google Groups throws away posts from people who aren't members
of the Google Group.

I've joined the google group, to see if the behaviour changes for me.


Robin Alden


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