On Thu, July 31, 2014 4:31 pm, Ondrej Mikle wrote:
>  This is interesting. I checked TLS 1.2 RFC 5246 whether Finished message
>  should
>  work this way, but I'm not sure. I think you mean that
>  "Hash(handshake_messages)" should detect this, right? But it's still just
>  hash,
>  thus again not authenticated and malleable by a MitM attacker.
>  Ondrej

I suspect you're both talking past eachother.

The set of certificates is protected by the Finished message. In an RSA
key exchange, the Premaster Secret is encrypted to the peer's public key,
the master secret is derived from the PMS, and the Finished messages act
as key confirmation. If the Peer's Finished message doesn't align, they
either tampered with the message, or don't possess the key, ergo the
connection is dropped.

That doesn't prevent an attacker from forcing a client to validate a
'hostile' set of certificates, as the Certificate message from the server
is sent, and (because the Client Certificate message, if any, follows the
Server Certificate message), the assumption is that the client will
immediately validate the certificate upon receipt of the Certificate
message - before any confirmation of keys (or possession of keys) has
occurred. Ergo, a hostile ISP could cause TLS handshakes to have 'hostile'
certificates, exploiting the TLS stack, and this would happen prior to any
cryptographic confirmations.

Different clients do this differently - some don't validate certificates
until after the Finished message (most notably, SChannel didn't for some
time under some cases. Likewise, Chrome validates after the Finished
message for non-False Start, and before the Finished message but ALSO
before any app data is sent for the False-Start).

Brian's point still stands, though. Having a full-stack HTTP client
necessary for AIA chasing *is* a big attack surface, and *has* caused real
security bugs in the past, *and* serves to mask real misconfigurations.

AIA chasing's value is primarily in heterogenous PKIs, of which the
Internet "shouldn't" be (but which things like the Federal Bridge PKI or
the GRID PKI are), and primarily for platforms for which the root store
cannot update over time (which NSS/Firefox can and does) or to work around
CA's with poorly designed PKIs (of which there are many)

I agree whole-heartedly with Brian that AIA chasing is one of those
"workarounds for the Internet" that makes everything harder to work with
and less predictable, impinges performance, and largely should be
unnecessary for the issues that NSS is concerned about.

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