On 12/03/15 22:54, Peter Kurrasch wrote:
> This backwards compatibility problem is a fatal flaw, but I have an
> alternative in mind: establish and enforce boundaries within the
> intermediates. The browser can enforce a policy that a technical
> constraint be specified somewhere between the root and the end cert.
> Where exactly in the chain that happens is not important so long as it's
> found and the boundaries established are not violated. The absence of
> the constraint would flag an error. Or, perhaps, a special table would
> be used to provide "default" boundaries.

What would prevent that constraint being extremely lax?

Or what would prevent a CA issuing one intermediate for all the TLDs
starting a-m, and another for all of the TLDs starting n-z?

The mere presence of a restriction is not a meaningful restriction :-)

> It is certainly a good idea to encourage any CA to self-constrain but we
> do need a way to forcibly constrain all CA's. Allowing any CA to opt-out
> defeats the whole purpose.

And not allowing CAs to opt out means we are forcibly constraining the
business areas in which particular CAs may operate. I shudder at the
thought of the task of trying to do that in a fair manner. (And I don't
think "preserve the status quo" is fair.)


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