Peter Gutmann said..
> Daniel Micay <> writes:
> >CNNIC is known to have produced and distributed malware 
> > for the purpose of mass surveillance and censorship.
> TeliaSonera aided totalitarian governments, Comodo provided 
> the PrivDog MITM software, and that's just the first two off 
> the top of my head.
> > If you have solid evidence that other CAs do this, feel 
> > free to present and I'll be a loud supporter of ripping 
> > out their certificates too.
> We'll start with Comodo then, shall we? 

Hi Peter,
        Your assertion about Comodo is wrong and that blunts your point
instead of helping you make it.

I refer you to my previous statement on Privdog.
and Hanno's post to this list


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