On Thu, Apr 02, 2015 at 09:18:05AM +0100, Gervase Markham wrote:
> On 01/04/15 23:44, Matt Palmer wrote:
> > 1) If they refuse to provide a list of currently issued certificates;
> I think this is unlikely, particularly as Google have decided to require
> CNNIC to agree to CT for all certificates in the future, and Google's
> blog post suggests that they have agreed to this.

On the other hand, CNNIC's blog post suggests that they haven't.  There's
some serious cognitive dissonance going on here.

- Matt

I tend to think of "solution" as just a pretentious term for "thingy". 
Doing that word substitution in my head makes IT marketing literature
somewhat more tolerable.
                -- lutchann, in http://lwn.net/Articles/124703/

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