On Fri, June 19, 2015 11:10 am, Brian Smith wrote:
>  The current set of roots is already too big for small devices to
>  reasonably
>  manage, and that problem will get worse as more roots are added. Thus,
>  small devices have to take a subset of Mozilla's/Microsoft's/Apple's
>  roots.

Without wanting to fracture the discussion, I think it's reasonable to say
"citation needed".

It's also neither fair nor reasonable to ask Mozilla to design a policy
for situations that Mozilla has no activity in, has no visibility in, and
has no influence in.

I've admittedly presumed when you say "smaller devices" you're talking
"IoT", since it's demonstrably false for the space of 'mobile' and
demonstrably false for the space of 'small device' (e.g. Chromecast,
Amazon FireTV, Roku), which are ostensibly small devices.

It also doesn't apply to the 'smaller still' line of devices - for
example, Google's Brillo framework is smaller overhead than that of
Chromecast/FireTV, and yet still manages to find a reasonable trust store
without compromising.

It's also worth noting that these devices (which Mozilla does not develop
code for, AFAIK) can further optimize their handling by treating roots as
trust anchors (Subject + public key), the same way that NSS trust records
are expressed, rather than storing the full certificate. NSS's libpkix was
certainly designed for this, although I believe mozilla::pkix requires a
full cert?

Still, it means the cost is not the 560K of the full root store, but far les.

Of course, it's completely unreasonable to talk about the constraints of
IoT security on the internet when many of the devices being produced lack
a basic capability of updating or security fixes. If you want to posit
that these devices 'divide the internet' (as you suggest), then the first
and foremost you must acknowledge the potential harm and self-inflicted
wounds these devices are causing, before it be suggested that it's
Mozilla's responsibility.

>  In particular, Mozilla should put into place a mechanism to ensure that it
>  doesn't end up with ~400 government roots, instead of just hoping that 200
>  governments don't apply.

Apologies if you feel I'm mischaracterizing your response, but the only
(technical, policy) argument that you seem to positing is that "It's hard
for IoT devices to access the Internet if there's a lot of roots".

How is that Mozilla's responsibility (which isn't in that space), and what
other reasons are there for prohibiting ~400 roots, beyond that? How or
why is this not a problem that the IoT device manufacturer can/should

Now, that said, I'm extremely sympathetic and deeply appreciative of the
fact that the Mozilla Root Inclusion Policy has historically been operated
in the community-at-larges interest, and not strictly Mozilla's interests.
This has allowed a variety of Linux distributions, for example, to reuse
the Mozilla store as a canonical root of trust for their users. So if
there as an argument of "Mozilla's policy X would make it hard for
downstream user Y to consume and reuse the trust store", then I think
that's entirely reasonable. But I don't think it's fair to suggest that
Mozilla solely bears responsibility for changing to accommodate downstream
user Y, nor is it clear if there even is a downstream user Y in this
hypothetical discussion of "smaller" devices in order to actually weigh
the technical or policy tradeoffs.

For example, your proposed "Don't allow non-global CAs into the root
program, because small devices" fails to account for why CAs enter the
non-global market to begin with. If you review the policies, you will see
it's because many of these CAs wish to target specific classes of users
for which they can employ a more rigorous form of request validation than
required by the Baseline Requirements, often to enable new classes of
services that cannot be directly served by the commercial CA market
according to the security/threat model of their constituents.

Look at CNNIC, which primarily serves a domestic Chinese userbase, and
their policies and practices related to validating the identity of the
requester in a way that's specialized and tailored to the identity
structure employed in China. Or look at many of the CAs participating in
ETSI programs that allow PTC-BR and Qualified certificates (such as those
in the PKIoverheid program). These CAs employ verification and validation
techniques specific to their regional security needs.

Now, if the only option for recognizing these certificates was that these
CAs would have to be globally accessible / serve a global market (again, a
definitional issue that is surprisingly hard to pin down if you work
through it), then the natural outcome of this is policies that go from:
"We serve [population of users X] and employ [more rigorous method Y]"
"We serve all users globally. For [population of users X], we employ [more
rigorous method Y]. For [everyone else], we employ [as little as

The "as little as possible" isn't because they're apathetic, but because
that's the minimum required of them in order to satisfy the needs of
"population of users X" by being included in the trust stores. And for
many of these CAs, their knowledge and expertise is in [more rigorous
method Y] than it is in the [as little as possible], which can easily be
seen when reviewing CAs' policies or CAs' misissuances.

My goal is not to dismiss your arguments as irrelevant (as they aren't,
they're highly relevant and I totally appreciate you bringing them up),
but to show that in the IoT space, both fragmentation and security issues
are already incipient, and viable alternatives exist, and that in a "serve
a global user case" has a greater chance of harm than help, since it
requires either an element of lipservice (on the CA) or of arbitrary and
capricious judgement (in the case of Mozilla operating the root policy and
determining whether or not it's "global" enough).

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