On Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 10:57:54 PM UTC+2, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> Reposting this, as Kathleen confirmed it made it to her, but not the list:
> On Thu, December 10, 2015 12:01 pm, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
> >  This request is to include the "ComSign Global Root CA" root
> > certificate, and enable the Websites and Email trust bits. This root
> > will eventually replace the "ComSign CA" root certificate that is
> > currently included in NSS, and was approved in bug #420705.
> >
> >  ComSign is owned by Comda, Ltd., and was appointed by the Justice
> > Ministry as a CA in Israel in accordance with the Electronic Signature
> > Law 5761-2001. ComSign has issued electronic signatures to thousands
> > of  business people in Israel.
> >
> >  The request is documented in the following bug:
> >  https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=675060
> >
> >  And in the pending certificates list:
> >  https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:PendingCAs
> >
> >  Summary of Information Gathered and Verified:
> >  https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=8697333
> Kathleen,
> I've attempted to complete a review of the CPS as if this was a new
> inclusion. I did not review the specific SSL CP, as I found enough
> concerning information in the CPS that it did not seem to warrant the time
> or energy.
> Similar to past discussions, I've attempted to clarify this into three
> sections - Good (which I believe should serve as examples for other CAs),
> Meh (which are undesirable or inadvisable, but not strictly forbidden, or
> which require further clarification), and Bad (things which I believe are
> inconsistent with Mozilla policy or the interest of Mozilla users)
> Per your email, I focused on
> http://www.comsign.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Comsign%20CPS-EN-v%20311.pdf
> as the version of the CPS to review
> == Good ==
> * Section 3.2.8 thoroughly details the methods for domain name validation.
> While I realize others have raised concerns (which I believe are unfounded
> and not relevant to the discussion, as they're permitted by the BRs), I do
> believe it's a positive sign to include such throughness within a CP/CPS.
> * Section 4.1.1 provides substantial documentation about the roles and
> parties involved in the issuance of certificates.
> == Meh ==
> * Page 7 of the CPS clearly documents the Hebrew version of the document
> as binding. While this is likely relevant to their role within Israel of
> issuing certificates qualified under the national scheme, to the Mozilla
> community, I believe the English version is of interest and relevance. For
> example, does Page 7 imply that ComSign may unilaterally update the Hebrew
> version, without a corresponding update to the English version? Does that
> facilitate Mozilla community review? At a minimum, the English version
> should be seen as 'as binding' as the Hebrew version, which provides some
> assurances about the consistency therein.
> * Section 2.1 states that "The list of revoked certificates containing
> their serial number and date of revocation is accessible for controlled
> viewing." This implies that the revocation information is not freely and
> publicly available, which contradicts the statements about the CRLs and
> OCSP information being freely publicized within the Repository. Could
> ComSign clarify what is meant by this section?
> * Section 2.3 disclaims any responsibility if CRLs are not fetched every
> time, every verification. This defeats many of the purposes of CRLs having
> validity periods, and seems to discourage a scalable infrastructure.
> * Section 3.2.5 indicates that certificate renewal is permitted. ComSign
> should be aware that for the purposes of the Mozilla policy, the act of
> renewal is seen as if it was a new certificate issuance. That is, at time
> of "renewal", the renewed certificate must comply with all current and
> in-force policies - it CANNOT violate the requirements in effect at the
> time of signing (for example, a SHA-1 certificate CANNOT be renewed after
> 2016-01-01, as this would be new issuance)
> * Section has a typo (trough -> through)
> * Sections 7.1 - 7.4 are unclear as to whether the EKUs enumerated
> represent examples (and thus, issued certificates may include other such
> EKUs), as the section titles imply, or whether they represent an
> exhaustive list of what can appear within that field. If it is merely
> exemplary, this does represent a concern as non-SSL certificates may
> inadvertently be enabled for SSL if the wrong EKUs are presented.
> * Section 7.1.4 documents multiple CRL locations may appear, but ComSign
> should be aware that virtually all major clients ignore these multiple
> URLs and will only check a single URL. Thus, it seems inefficient and
> wasteful to encode as such.
> == Bad ==
> * The CPS does not appear to conform to either RFC 2527 or RFC 3647, as
> required by the Baseline Requirements. The CPS seemingly follows 3647,
> based on the rough outline, but Sections 9 and 10 definitely diverge. The
> document states they were formulated according to ETSI TS 456, but that
> does not seem an acceptable form.
> * Examples of such divergence: Sections 1.3.3, 1.4.*, 3.2
> * Section does not seem to permit revocation based on
> demonstrating proof of possession of a private key (which would seem
> important if the customer loses the revocation code), nor does it permit
> revocation based on writing (which MUST be supported, per of the
> Baseline Requirements v.1.3.1)
> * Section 10.15.1 reserves ComSign the right to unilaterally employ
> additional methods at ComSign's discretion. This seems to run counter to
> the Mozilla Policy which obligates the CA to notify Mozilla of any
> meaningful changes to the CP/CPS.
> * ComSign fails to document and operate test URLs compliant with Section
> 2.2 of the Baseline Requirements, v1.3.1.
> * ComSign has failed to document how CAA records are handled. While
> ComSign was audited to v1.1.6 of the Baseline Requirements, and CAA was
> not required until Ballot 125, which was incorporated into 1.2.0, ComSign
> states in Section 10 that they adhere to the latest published version of
> the Baseline Requirements (as the BRs require), which is demonstrably
> false.
> * Section employs a validation method that, while permitted by
> the Baseline Requirements at present, is recognized as a security risk and
> is quite contentiously discussed within the CA/Browser Forum's Validation
> Working Group. The use of methods like this have been used to cause
> misissuance in the past, and for that reason the Mozilla community should
> be suspicious about endorsing it, even if the BRs permit it.
> * Section 3.3.4 fails to document procedures for rejecting certificate
> requests for the reasons documented in Section 4.1.1 of v1.3.1 of the
> Baseline Requirements.
> * Section 4.8.1 fails to enumerate the methods listed in Section
> of v1.3.1 of the Baseline Requirements.
> * Contrary to Section 4.9.3 of the Baseline Requirements, ComSign does not
> appear to have documented a means to report suspected misissuance or
> compromise.
> * Section 10.15.15 permits the suspension of certificates, which is
> contrary to Section 4.9.3 of v1.3.1 of the Baseline Requirements.
> I suspect that, on a more detailed analysis, one might find more aspects
> of BR non-compliance. The structure of the CPS, and it's use of a
> non-standard format, makes it exceptionally difficult to align ComSign's
> stated practices with the requirements of the Baseline Requirements.
> My recommendations, based on the failure of ComSign to routinely update
> their practices and documentation to adhere to the developments within the
> CA/Browser Forum, despite their CPS stating they do, would be to refuse
> this renewal request and, given how long such requirements have existed
> within the Baseline Requirements, to recommend that ComSign be scheduled
> for removal, consistent with
> https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/governance/policies/security-group/certs/policy/enforcement/

Thank you,
We will review all of these remarks and try to answer them in an orderly 
Eli Spitzer | Information security & System Management | Comsign
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