Some more thoughts (my previous substantive comments are awaiting moderation 
because I foolishly sent them before subscribing)

1. Historically other CAs in this family have issued certificates which abuse 
wildcards, like this:

Over the several years this request has been floating, no-one from Symantec / 
Verisign mentioned these violations. Can we expect the same from the root which 
is to be granted EV in this request? Or has Symantec since put in place an 
effective control against this sort of wildcard abuse? If so, when?

Presumably it is only a coincidence that KPMG are both Symantec's auditors and 
that they receive such non-conformant wildcard certificates only from Symantec 
even though they deal with several other CAs?

2. After changes negotiated in the Bugzilla ticket, the CA Hierarchy 
information currently reads: "S/MIME certs may also be issued in this CA 

Compared to the situation for SSL and Code Signing where internally operated 
SubCAs are specified, this is very vague. Why? What technical controls are in 
place to ensure that systems which issue S/MIME certs "in this CA hierarchy" 
are not capable of issuing an SSL server certificate ?
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