On Tuesday, August 16, 2016 at 11:53:24 AM UTC-7, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
> Our understanding: "The real problem here is that the issuing 
> certificate is using sha-1 with predictable serial numbers. ... If a 
> chosen-prefix attack on sha-1 were discovered... an attacker could use 
> this CA to obtain a certificate for a domain that isn't theirs."

I think this is a very important part of the consideration, as it suggests a 
lack of awareness or concern about the security implications about their 
practices. In particular, 

If we ignore the CA/Browser Forum's Ballot 164 (Serial Number Entropy), which 
has an effective day of 30-Sep-2016, and look at the previous versions, we see 
the following:
"CAs SHOULD generate non‐sequential Certificate serial numbers that exhibit at 
least 20 bits of entropy."

Similarly, Mozilla's policy ( 
 ) states: "all new end-entity certificates must contain at least 20 bits of 
unpredictable random data (preferably in the serial number)."

As pointed out on the bug, that's seriously questionable as to whether this CA 
has implemented this protection. Had they done so, there's at least some work 
factor an attacker would have to do to predict such serials.

To the claim that this wasn't intended to be used on a server, I can confirm 
that https://gps.autotoll-gps.com.hk is serving this certificate.

Practically speaking, what steps could be taken?
1) Do nothing. Despite communications such as 
 , simply accept that some CAs are continuing grossly insecure practices. 
Because the BRs have not explicitly stated the scope (anything directly or 
transitively capable of TLS issuance, as measured by the EKUs, for example), 
accept that it's OK for CAs to continue practices that put Firefox/Mozilla 
users at risk, and address this either in the CA/Browser Forum or the CA Policy 

2) Disable SHA-1 certificates if they directly or transitively chain to this 
CA, in advance of the January deadline. This assumes the worst (a collision 
attack) and moves to protect users, but makes no statement about whether what 
the CA did is correct or not.

3) Disable trust in these specific certificates. As far as I know, OneCRL only 
supports revocation by SPKI or by Issuer+SerialNumber - it doesn't support 
revocation by Issuer-and-Hash (is this correct?). I'm not sure if the NSS 
blacklist version supports blacklisting by hash (but I believe it does?)

4) Disable trust in the older intermediates. It's clear that this CA has a had 
a large and longstanding issue with compliance to the BRs. While their new CA 
(CA 1 - 15) appears to be issuing certs that have no cablint issues, older CAs 
such as this are rife with issues. It may be that the appropriate response to 
protect users - especially if this CA continues to issue certificates from it - 
is to wholesale blacklist it via OneCRL. 

5) Disable trust in the CA. The justification for this would be arguing that 
the CA failed its obligations with respect to Item #9 in 
 , in that the combination of SHA-1 issuance from a publicly trusted, 
non-constrained intermediate, and the use of seemingly predictable certificates 
with insufficient entropy, represents a real risk of collision attacks, and the 
CA has materially failed to follow current best practices, such as adding 
sufficient entropy to the serial number (as reflected in the CA/Browser Forum's 
Ballot 164).

It's worth noting that both Symantec and WoSign have recently misissued SHA-1 
certificates as well, where in all three cases (two separate incidents for 
Symantec recently, one for WoSign), these certificates WERE intended for TLS 
servers. However, each case also included entropy within the serial - although 
Symantec also reused serials.

I'm curious if there's other options, and I'm curious what the arguments 
against #4 or #5 would be. Given that CAs provide such a critical function in 
the ecosystem, and these mistakes have far reaching implications, who would be 
interested in arguing in favor of keeping this CA/these intermediates trusted?
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