On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 09:55:24AM -0700, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> > I don't think adding that CA certificate to OneCRL is enough, that would 
> > only protect Mozilla users.  They should revoke all the relevant 
> > certificates.
> Define "relevant"? If a SHA-1 collision has been mounted, Hongkong Post 
> revoking those SHA-1 certs does nothing, because the attacker can manipulate 
> the serial number of the colliding certs. The only level at which any 
> meaningful action can be taken is at the "1 - 10" CA layer - revoking that 
> intermediate, such as by OneCRL and by Hongkong Post's CRL. The rest would 
> just be for show, not security.

It's my understanding that the attack depends on the serial being
predictable, since it's at the start of the certificate.  But I
guess they might not need the whole serial to match, I have no
idea at which point it starts to get more practicle to attack.


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