On Thursday, September 1, 2016 at 12:07:48 AM UTC-7, Hanno Böck wrote:
> Good thing: Can be easily tested by others whether a CA implements it
> and it may reduce misissuances.
> I'm inclined to say every CA should implement CAA, but it seems last
> time this was discussed in the CA/Browser-Forum they agreed to make
> this a SHOULD, not a MUST.

There's still concern about how the practical implementation would work. That's 
the curse of some WGs - due to a variety of externalities, rough consensus may 
be formed, but running code - especially operational - leads to practical 
challenges. We see this with RFC 6962 (and RFC 6962-bis), we saw this with 
HPKP, and I would argue, we see this with CAA as well.

What was discussed in the Forum is the lack of defined policies for what it 
means to "implement CAA". For example, if Trustwave were to see a CAA record 
for "symantec.com", could it issue the cert? Why or why not? To what forms does 
the CAA record apply with regards to issuance - for example, if a CA were to go 
in person, sit down in front of the CTO/COO, verify their passport, verify with 
their lawyers that the CTO was duly authorized, then even if the CAA record 
said otherwise, could they issue then? During the Forum discussion, it was 
clear that Symantec's representative had some confusion about CAA, which 
similarly suggests that we will likely see the same implementation issues in 
CAs that have lead to the many RFC 5280 violations, but as CAA is designed as 
an issuer-side check, at time of issuance, there will be no way for the 
community to evaluate such compliance.

To be clear: I'm an ardent supporter of CAA. I, ideally, want to see CAs 
leading the way in thinking through the issues related to CAA, and the risks 
their businesses may face, and how best to address them. I'd like to avoid 
policy by fiat if possible, but support it if that's what it takes to solve the 
current first mover problem.

But I think that if we do entertain this option, and if it does come to needing 
root store fiat, there definitely needs to be a clear consensus on the 
appropriate policies for implementation, and it may take some delicate 
hand-holding of CAs (... with ample publicly available test cases) to help them 
evaluate their issuance systems.
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