Hi Peter.  Since you mentioned Comodo's cross-certification of the
"Certification Authority of WoSign" root, we thought we should respond...

On 05/09/16 23:58, Peter Bowen wrote:
> Cross issued to /C=CN/O=WoSign CA Limited/CN=Certification Authority
> of WoSign by /C=US/ST=UT/L=Salt Lake City/O=The USERTRUST
> Network/OU=http://www.usertrust.com/CN=UTN - DATACorp SGC expiring
> 2019-06-24T19:06:30Z

This cross-certificate [1] is currently unexpired and unrevoked.  However...

The "UTN - DATACorp SGC" root was removed from NSS last year [2].

"UTN - DATACorp SGC" was also cross-certified by the "AddTrust External
CA Root" root [3], but we revoked the cross-certificates in December
2015, invited Mozilla to add them to OneCRL [4] and disclosed them as
revoked to Salesforce [5].  (I don't know why Mozilla haven't yet added
these to OneCRL.  A few weeks ago I marked Bug 1233408 as blocking Bug
1155095 in the hope that it would get noticed!)

> Cross issued to /C=CN/O=WoSign CA Limited/CN=Certification Authority
> of WoSign by /C=US/ST=UT/L=Salt Lake City/O=The USERTRUST
> Network/OU=http://www.usertrust.com/CN=UTN-USERFirst-Object expiring
> 2019-07-09T18:40:36Z

These two cross-certificates [6] are currently unexpired and unrevoked.

The "UTN-USERFirst-Object" root is only enabled for the Code Signing
trust bit in NSS, which AIUI has been effectively dead for about a year [7].

There are 2 cross-certs (currently unconstrained and unrevoked) issued
by "AddTrust External CA Root" to "UTN-USERFirst-Object" [8].  However,
the cross-certs issued to WoSign [6] are EKU-constrained to Code Signing
/ Time Stamping.

> 1) Should any action be taken against the operators of these CAs due
> to the incidents listed?
> My view is that the correct answer is "no, unless it is demonstrated
> that the CA operator had knowledge of undisclosed incidents",

Comodo only learned of these incidents after they had been publicly

> 2) If Mozilla decides to take action that results in WoSign no longer
> being directly trusted, do those CAs with unrevoked unexpired
> cross-signs bear responsibility for any future mis-issuance by WoSign?

Comodo will continue to work to ensure that Mozilla's trust decisions
are respected.

[1] https://crt.sh/?id=3223853

[2] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1208461

[3] https://crt.sh/?q=UTN+-+DATACorp+SGC&iCAID=1

[4] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1233408

[5] https://crt.sh/mozilla-disclosures#revoked

[6] https://crt.sh/?q=Certification+Authority+of+WoSign&iCAID=1395


[8] https://crt.sh/?q=UTN-USERFirst-Object&iCAID=1

Rob Stradling
Senior Research & Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

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