On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 6:42 AM, Peter Kurrasch <fhw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was thinking of more the server (cloud) side of things. I'm not familiar 
> enough with Cloudflare's service, but I imagine that if I have a server set 
> up I will also have access to my private key. If so, I now have access to the 
> private key of the other domains. Perhaps there are protections set up?

CloudFlare doesn't offer server hosting.  They are a content delivery
service which basically is a massive reverse proxy.  The private key
is never exposed to the customer.  The TLS connection is from client
to proxy and then a separate connection is made from proxy to
backend/origin.  So the key listed here, while for a number of
different customers, really represents a group of hosts behind a
shared reverse proxy.

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