在 2016年11月4日星期五 UTC+8下午8:20:11,Gervase Markham写道:
> CT is coming to Firefox. As part of that, Mozilla needs to have a set of
> CT policies surrounding how that will work. Like our root inclusion
> program, we intend to run our CT log inclusion program in an open and
> transparent fashion, such that the Internet community can see how it
> works and how decisions are made. (It is quite possible that, like our
> root program, other entities without the resources to run their own
> programs might adopt our decisions.)
> This policy will need to consider at least the following questions. The
> point of this posting is to gather more _questions_, not to work out the
> answers. In other words, I am trying to work out the scope of the
> policy, not what the policy will be.
> So, please add comments with additional _questions_ you think the policy
> will need to address. What the answers should be is (for now) off-topic.
> Questions I have so far:
> * How do we decide which logs to trust?
>   * Do we have requirements for uptime?
>   * Do we have requirements for certs accepted?
>   * Do we have requirements for the MMD?
> * How do we decide when to un-trust a log? What reasons are valid
> reasons for doing so?
> * Do we want to put monitoring in place to ensure our log quality or
> uptime requirements are met?
> * Are there any CT-related services Mozilla should consider running or
> supporting, for the good of the ecosystem?
> * Do we want to require a certain number of SCTs for certificates of
> particular validity periods?
> * Do we want the Google/non-Google diversity requirement? Or any other
> diversity reqirement?
> * Which certs, if any, should we require CT for, and when?
> * Do we want to allow some CAs to opt into CT before those dates?
> * Do we want to require some CAs to do CT before those dates?
> Gerv

1. What will happen if CT validation failed? Can we add a security excpetion 
about this?

2. Is SLA required for Mozilla chosen CT operator?

3. If CT is required, can we request a CT embedded certificate from CAs because 
some webserver don't support TLS extension.
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