On Tue, 8 Nov 2016 11:17:29 +0000
Gervase Markham <g...@mozilla.org> wrote:

> On 07/11/16 17:09, Nick Lamb wrote:
> > On Monday, 7 November 2016 13:53:31 UTC, Gervase Markham  wrote:
> >> You mean EKU-constrained (e.g. to email, or OCSP only)?
> > 
> > I was thinking also of a pathlen constraint. 
> Aha. So what would this look like? Something like this?
> CAs may only issue SHA-1 end-entity certs chaining up to roots in
> Mozilla's program if the following is true:
> * The certificate is not within the scope of the Baseline
> Requirements;
> * The issuing CA and the certificate itself both have a critical EKU
> extension with a single key purpose, which is not id-kp-serverAuth or
> anyExtendedKeyUsage;
> * The issuing CA has a pathlen:0 constraint
> * The certificate has at least 64 bits of entropy from a CSPRNG in the
> serial number
> I guess it doesn't cover signing other things like OCSP responses.
> Perhaps we could add:
> * CAs may sign other data (such as OCSP responses) with SHA-1 for
> compatibility reasons, as long as all of the signed data is static, or
> defined by the CA and not by a customer.
> Is this heading in the right direction? Too weak, too strong?

Hi Gerv,

Thanks for kicking this off.  I think this is heading in the right

The rule about other data could be clarified.  We want to make sure
there is no room for misinterpretation.  Here's some suggested text:

Keys used by CAs chaining up to a root in Mozilla's program may only
sign non-certificate data (e.g. OCSP responses, CRLs) with SHA-1 if all
the following is true:

* Doing so is necessary for a documented compatibility reason;
* All of the signed data is static, or defined by the CA and not another party

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