On 05/12/16 21:10, Wen-Cheng Wang wrote:
> I mean BR Audit is specifically for CAs that provide SSL
> certificates. Therefore, it is not possible to conduct on those
> subordinate CAs that do not provide SSL certificates, 

AIUI, that's not actually true. As we found out recently when discussing
another CA whose name escapes me, it's possible to include a subordinate
CA in an audit even if it's not issuing any certificates.

> As for how to make sure policies and practices of all our CAs fall
> under Mozilla's root policy, every time we received Kathleen's
> notification about the revision of Mozilla's root policy, we reviewed
> our CP of the Government PKI and CPSs of all CAs seriously. If
> necessary, we will make amendments to our CP and CPSs so that they
> can aligned with Mozilla's root policy and we will reply what we plan
> to do for responding the change of Mozilla's root policy to Kathleen.
> Since we have conducted WebTrust for CA audits on the whole
> Government PKI (including the root CA and all its subordinate CAs),
> the audit results can assure our CAs are all compliant to Mozilla's
> root policy.

Our root policy also requires (or will soon require) a BR audit to cover
all sub-CAs technically capable of issuing server certs.


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