On 13/02/17 14:34, Nick Lamb wrote:
> I don't think Ballot 169 represents best practices per se. Instead as
> with the rest of the Baseline Requirements what we have here are
> _minimums_, we aren't asking that CAs should do no more than what is
> described, but that they must do at least what is described.

Well, OK. That wasn't really the focus of the statement. I suspect that
the ballot 169 methods are bar-raising for most CAs, even if they aren't
yet as watertight as they could be.

> Anyway, I have a nitpick for your GoDaddy remediation plan. I think
> in item (1) it's not clear that it's fine for a CA to choose to
> implement many or even all ten methods, and even for them to have
> other methods - what's important is that for any particular name
> validated their process ensures at least one of the ten Ballot 169
> methods was used.

That is my intent; I'm happy to make that clear.

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