On 16/03/17 17:20, douglas.beat...@gmail.com wrote:
> Yes, RAs (trusted role employees) need to have the technical ability
> to manually add domains to accounts.  They can verify domains in one
> of the 10 different methods and some of those involve manually
> looking in who-is for registrant info, using a DAD or in calling the
> contact.  When one of these is used, we collect the vetting data then
> the RA can add/approve that domain.

But is the addition of the domain gated on the
uploading/attachment/submission of what could plausibly be vetting data?

I mean, I understand you can't programmatically check that a person has
made a phone call. But you can require them to write a report of the
results of that phone call and not allow addition of the domain until
they've done it. Yes, they could just put "flibbertigibbet" into the
text box, but that at least shows they are deliberately bypassing the

If the addition is so gated, what did the employee in this case do? Did
they upload bogus data?

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