On 2017-04-12 14:19, Jakob Bohm wrote:
On 12/04/2017 12:44, Kurt Roeckx wrote:
On 2017-04-12 11:47, Gervase Markham wrote:
There are some items that it would be very helpful for auditors to state
in their public-facing audit documentation so that we can be clear about
what was covered and what was not. The policy already has some
requirements here, in section 3.1.3, mostly relating to dates.

The proposal is to add the following bullets to section 3.1.3 ("Public
Audit Information"), perhaps reordering the list as appropriate:

* name of the company being audited
* name and address of the organization performing the audit
* DN and SHA1 or SHA256 fingerprint of each root and intermediate
certificate that was in scope

The SHA256 of what? The certificate? There can be multiple certificates
for the same CA. It should probably be made more clear, like a hash of
the subject DN.

The operation "certificate fingerprint" is well defined and generally
covers most/all of the DER-encoded certificate, not just the DN.  For
example, this value is displayed when looking at CA certificates in the
Firefox options dialog.

For public CAs that don't rely on certificate distribution through
browser inclusion, it is also common to provide an authoritative
out-of-band copy of the fingerprint as something relying parties should
check when installing the CA root cert.

There might be multiple certificates for a CA, which are all valid, and all have a different hash. Any of those could be used, and with it we could clearly find which one they're talking about.

But all software really should also support a "subject hash". I think this is for instance needed for OCSP, and might also be used to find the certificate in the root store. That has only 1 value for the CA, not one for each of the certificates for that CA.

Either of those should work, and we should probably be clear about which one they should provide.


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