
While this ongoing discussion regarding Symantec is going on, I wanted to chime 
in quickly to make a suggestion about graduated trust. Many of the proposals 
that Mozilla, Google, and other teams running CA programs put forward in cases 
of CA misbehaviour is to transition a CA from “trusted” to “partially trusted”: 
that is, to explicitly distrust certain CA-issued certificates that would 
ordinarily be trusted. For example, one of the WoSign remediations was to 
distrusted new WoSign certificates: that is, certificates whose notBefore date 
was after a certain date.

While I’m very supportive of this kind of remediation, it is not a remediation 
that non-browser implementations can follow very easily. For example, I run a 
downstream non-browser HTTP client[1] that by default uses a processed version 
of the Mozilla CA database[2] to define its list of trusted roots. This is very 
convenient, as it allows me to delegate the job of running a CA program to 
Mozilla and MDSP, a collection of people much better equipped to handle the 
job. This is a common approach throughout the open source ecosystem: for 
example, curl also makes available a processed version of the Mozilla trust 

Unfortunately, it is currently *not* possible to distribute any kind of partial 
trust information: that is, tools that consume the Mozilla trust database can 
only completely trust, or completely distrust, a CA. That means that 
non-browser tools cannot follow the guidance of MDSP or Mozilla, even though 
we’d very much like to. In practice, this means that we will almost always 
continue to trust certificates that browsers would not. This prevents us from 
providing a unified front on this issue, and also exposes our users to risk 
from misbehaving CAs that we continue to trust to issue new certificates, even 
though Mozilla would not. We’d like to follow your lead on this: however, it’s 
just beyond our resources to keep writing custom code to handle these cases 
each time they come up.

If Mozilla is interested in doing a substantial public service, this situation 
could be improved by having Mozilla and MDSP define a static configuration 
format that expresses the graduated trust rules as data, not code. Essentially, 
a file could exist beside the list of root CA certificates that notes any 
graduated trust rules (e.g. must have notBefore earlier than x, must contain 
signatures without these hash algorithms, etc.) that would be used by Firefox 
to build its graduated trust rules. That file could then be distributed with 
processed versions of the Mozilla trust database, and tools that are able to 
understand it could apply the graduated trust rules that Mozilla is applying as 

This is just a suggestion: defining, writing, and maintaining this config file 
would be a decent amount of work and would provide pretty minimal benefit to 
Mozilla directly. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find that this is not 
something Mozilla is interested in pursuing. However, I think it would be of 
substantial value to the wider HTTP and TLS community if we were able to form a 
unified front with Mozilla in trusting CAs.


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