On 6/2/2017 3:28 AM, Gervase Markham wrote:
> The scope of the BRs is ambiguous, and almost certainly smaller than the
> scope of the Mozilla policy. It might be useful to explicitly draw
> attention to that fact, for the avoidance of doubt.
> Proposal: add a bullet to section 2.3, where we define BR exceptions:
> "Insofar as the Baseline Requirements attempt to define their own scope,
> the scope of this policy (section 1.1) overrides that. Mozilla expects
> CA operations relating to issuance of all SSL certificates in the scope
> of this policy to conform to the Baseline Requirements."
> This is: https://github.com/mozilla/pkipolicy/issues/72
> -------
> This is a proposed update to Mozilla's root store policy for version
> 2.5. Please keep discussion in this group rather than on Github. Silence
> is consent.
> Policy 2.4.1 (current version):
> https://github.com/mozilla/pkipolicy/blob/2.4.1/rootstore/policy.md
> Update process:
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:CertPolicyUpdates


While the Mozilla policy requires compliance with the Baseline
Requirements, this policy has a broader scope by levying additional
requirements on certification authorities.

David E. Ross

*  Most state mandate that drivers have liability insurance.
*  Employers are mandated to have worker's compensation insurance.
*  If you live in a flood zone, flood insurance is mandatory.
*  If your home has a mortgage, fire insurance is mandatory.

Why then is mandatory health insurance so bad??
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