I just want to drop in a couple thoughts from the perspective of Censys
with regard purely to _obtaining_ root stores.

Censys validates certificates against multiple root stores. At the end of
the day, what we want is a reliable and repeatable way to get an up-to-date
version of a root store in PEM format. Right now, obtaining root stores is
a combination of cloning Android source and hoping they don't change their
standard for git tags, parsing an Apple webpage to get a list of tarballs
and hoping the format of the webpage doesn't change, fetching the NSS
source and running it through agl's utility, and then the method linked
above from Ryan Hurst for fetching Microsoft. [1]

This is ridiculous. I don't particularly have strong opinions on how root
stores are released, and I understand wanting to avoid a direct PEM release
to prevent downstream users from consuming it incorrectly, but we _should
not_ have to run a webpage through BeautfulSoup to try to find a root
store. I'd like to see either a reliable URL to fetch that can be converted
to PEM (i.e. what Microsoft does), or some API you can hit to the store
(e.g. what CT does).

[1]: https://github.com/zmap/rootfetch

On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 12:39 PM Kai Engert via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> Hello Gerv,
> given that today we don't have a single place where all of Mozilla's
> certificate
> trust decisions can be found, introducing that would be a helpful.
> I think the new format should be as complete as possible, including both
> trust
> and distrust information, including EV and description of rules for partial
> distrust.
> As of today, certdata.txt contains:
> - whitelisted root CAs (trusted for one or more purposes)
> - distrusted/blacklisted certificates (which can be either CAs,
> intermediate
>   CAs or end entity certificates), based on varying identification criteria
>   (sometimes we distrust all matches based on issuer/serial,
>    sometimes we are more specific and only distrust if the certificate also
>    matches exactly a specific hash)
> But it doesn't list the additional decisions that Mozilla has implemented
> in
> code:
> - additional domain name constraints
> - additional validity constraints for issued certificates
> - additional required whitelist matching
> In the past, some consumers of the Mozilla CA list didn't even implement
> the few
> distrust decision that are already listed in certdata.txt, and had focused
> only
> on the positive trust. I don't know if this was because consumers didn't
> worry,
> or because they didn't even notice, but might have also been done because
> of
> technical limitations.
> It would be good if the new format made it very clear that there are
> distrust
> entries, and that trust for some CAs is only partial. The latter could
> make it
> easier for list consumers to identify the partially restricted CA. E.g.
> some
> might decide to rather not trust a restricted CA at all, if the consumer is
> technically unable to implement the restricting checks.
> We could define identifiers for each class of trust restrictions (CTR),
> e.g.:
> - permitted name constraint
> - excluded name constraints
> - restricted to serial/name whitelist
> - not valid for serial/name blacklist
> - restrict validity period of root CA
> - restrict allowed validity of issued EE or intermediates
> - require successful revocation checking
> - require successful Certificate Transparency lookup
> - ...
> This list could be expanded in the future, so a list consumer that has
> implemented all of the older CTRs could decide to not trust new CAs that
> have
> unknown CTRs defined.
> There were several comments in this thread about the file format and
> questions
> what we use today.
> Let me mention the concept to implement CTRs as "stapled certificate
> extensions", e.g. reuse the standard certificate format definitions,
> create the
> binary extension that implements a specific CTR, and embed it into the
> trust
> list file. This approach can allow software to load these extensions
> somehow in
> memory to the certificates, with the effect that standard certificate
> validation
> code can see and use them, without requiring additional logic.
> We already use this stapling approach in Firefox and NSS for name
> constraints.
> Because this requires a very specific ASN.1 encoding, we manually used
> tools to
> create such an extension, and then copy the binary data. That might be a
> reasonable approach even for the near future, until it can be automated
> completely.
> Currently the encoding of these name constraints was copied into source
> code,
> but this could also live inside a future trust file, if we define the file
> format to represent such binary extensions, and if we enhance the code to
> load
> such extensions dynamically from the list.
> Regarding the question how we create new entries for certdata.txt today, we
> currently use the NSS tool "addbuiltin". It takes a certificate as input,
> and
> can create both positive trust or distrust lines in the current file
> format,
> that we simply appended to the certdata.txt file.
> Regarding which file format should be used for the new master trust list.
> Unless
> we want to change the way how NSS works, it will probably be helpful to
> continue
> to use the certdata.txt file format, even if it's just used as an
> intermediate
> in a double conversion.
> Instead of requiring everything to be a single file, maybe it could even
> work to
> use an archive file (e.g. zip), that contains all information in easily
> consumable pieces, which would make it unnecessary to serialize and
> deserialize
> the certificates while working with the list, and allows maintainers to use
> tools that work with the certificates directly.
> E.g. there could be a single JSON file inside that archive, with a
> well-defined
> name, that lists all entries. For each entry, it says if it's a trust, a
> distrust, or a restricted-trust entry, and for which purposes (web, email,
> ...).
> It could list the filename of the certificate file this JSON entry refers
> to
> (plus the certifiate's SHA256), or if it's just a distrust entry without a
> full
> certificate, no separate file is required. It would list the CTR classes
> that
> are required. For restrictions, an archive file format would make it
> easier to
> distribute the full details, even if they are large, like whitelists.
> Stapled
> binary extensions, like prepared domain name constraints extensions, could
> also
> simply get included as additional files, referenced by filename from within
> With this approach, we could also declare that the master location for this
> trust list is somewhere outside of NSS (in a separate repository). If we
> did
> that, the primary location could simply be its own HG/GIT repository, with
> all
> the individual files. Releases of Mozilla trust list could be an archive
> file
> that gets published with a checksum file/signature.
> Software that implements a specific revision of that trust list would
> convert
> that master data into its own file format, e.g. into certdata.txt, and can
> get
> checked in to the project, so its clear which data was used e.g. in a NSS
> release. In the future, we could define how CTRs could get represented as
> part
> of certdata.txt and enable NSS to consume it.
> Firefox developers could also have a converter that extracts the portions
> they
> need from the master list, e.g. EV policy information.
> Kai
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