Op woensdag 19 juli 2017 00:26:16 UTC+2 schreef Charles Reiss:
> - Digidentity Services CA - G2 (https://crt.sh/?caid=868 ; chains to 
> Staat der Nederlanden Root CA - G2) has issued certificates which serial 
> numbers that appear to be of the form 0x10000000 + sequential counter 
> with notBefores as recent as 8 June 2017.

Hi Charles,

Many thanks for bringing this to our attention. We have looked into this 
matter immediately. Meanwhile the Policy Authority PKIoverheid has
prohibited Digidentity (one of the Trusted Service Providers within the 
PKIoverheid/Staat der Nederlanden hierarchy) from issuing new certificates.

After investigation it emerged that a total of 777 certificates were issued 
from September 30th 2016 that are not compliant with BR ballot 164
(https://cabforum.org/2016/07/08/ballot-164/) echoed by the same requirement 
in version 2.4 (Compliance date: February 28, 2017) from the Mozilla CA 
Certificate Policy. Digidentity will revoke and
replace these non-compliant certificates. This wil take place on or before 
31 August 2017. However this action requires the cooperation from
subscribers. As you know we are in the midst of the Holiday Season so we 
can't completly rule out that some certificates will be replaced a couple
of days after August the 31th. Nevertheless Digidentity will do her utmost 
to revoke and replace all certs before the 31th.

As evidence that Digidentity is now compliant with regard to the certificate 
serial number requirement from the BR check the new issued SSL cert on this 
website: https://www.digidentity.eu/nl/home/ 

The Policy Authority PKIoverheid has judged that Digidentity can resume 
issuing certificates now that they are in compliance with Ballot 164 and the 
Mozilla CA Policy.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Further questions could also be answered by my collegaues Jorik van 't Hof 
or Jochem van den Berge.


Mark Janssen
dev-security-policy mailing list

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