On Wednesday, August 9, 2017 at 9:53:14 PM UTC-4, Alex Gaynor wrote:
> (Whoops, accidentally originally CC'd to m.d.s originally! Original mail
> was to IdenTrust)
> Hi,
> The following certificates appear to be misissued:
> https://crt.sh/?id=77893170&opt=cablint
> https://crt.sh/?id=77947625&opt=cablint
> https://crt.sh/?id=78102129&opt=cablint
> https://crt.sh/?id=92235995&opt=cablint
> https://crt.sh/?id=92235998&opt=cablint
> All of these certificates have a pathLenConstraint value with CA:FALSE,
> this violates of RFC 5280: CAs MUST NOT include the
> pathLenConstraint field unless the cA boolean is asserted and the key usage
> extension asserts the keyCertSign bit.
> Alex
> -- 
> "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to
> say it." -- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (summarizing Voltaire)
> "The people's good is the highest law." -- Cicero
> GPG Key fingerprint: D1B3 ADC0 E023 8CA6
> -- 
> "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to
> say it." -- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (summarizing Voltaire)
> "The people's good is the highest law." -- Cicero
> GPG Key fingerprint: D1B3 ADC0 E023 8CA6
Formal reply addressing the questionnaire format:
Issue pathLenConstraint with CA:False (IdenTrust)
1.      How your CA first became aware of the problems listed below (e.g. via a 
Problem Report, via the discussion in mozilla.dev.security.policy, or via this 
Bugzilla Bug), and the date.
IdenTrust: Problem Reported to IdenTrust  via the Mozilla Dev Security Policy 
Forum on August 9, 2017
2.      Prompt confirmation that your CA has stopped issuing TLS/SSL 
certificates with the problems listed below.
IdenTrust: The issue was addressed immediately and a formal reply was supplied 
on to forum on August 10, 2017
3.      Complete list of certificates that your CA finds with each of the 
listed issues during the remediation process. The recommended way to handle 
this is to ensure each certificate is logged to CT and then attach a CSV 
file/spreadsheet of the fingerprints or crt.sh IDs, with one list per distinct 
IdenTrust: There were 5 certificates reported with this issue:

4.      Summary of the problematic certificates. For each problem listed below:
number of certs, date first and last certs with that problem were issued.
IdenTrust: Those 5 certificates were issued between Jan-16 and Feb 14, 2017.
2 of them were pre-certificates.
5.      Explanation about how and why the mistakes were made, and not caught 
and fixed earlier. 
IdenTrust: IdenTrust identified this situation during a routine audit in March 
of 2017. The certificates (which are all internal to IdenTrust) were reissued 
and these that were incorrect were intended to be revoked; unfortunately the 
revocation did not occur.  
These certificates were created during the process of building a new product, 
which has not yet been officially launched and no additional certificates have 
been issued under this profile.  Quarterly audits, comprised of evaluating a 
sampling of certificates, have been conducted; however, due to the fact that a 
revocation order had been issued for these certificates and we have no active 
production certificates for this program, no sampling was warranted.  

With respect to lack of follow through on the revocation in March 2017, because 
these certificates were not production certificates issued to actual 
subscribers, our standard revocation process for certificates does not appear 
to have been followed; rather, an informal internal emailed request was 
initiated and was apparently overlooked.  We have addressed this internally and 
put remediation steps into place that will alleviate this possibility in the 

6.      List of steps your CA is taking to resolve the situation and ensure 
such issuance will not be repeated in the future, accompanied with a timeline 
of when your CA expects to accomplish these things.
1.      The 5 certificates were revoked on August 10, 2017 
2.      Since March 2017 we have corrected the profiles to prevent recurrence 
of this issue

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