On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 5:06 AM, Gervase Markham via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> On 16/10/17 20:22, Peter Bowen wrote:
> > Will the new managed CAs, which will operated by DigiCert under
> > CP/CPS/Audit independent from the current Symantec ones, also be
> > included on the list of subCAs that will continue to function?
> AIUI we are still working out the exact configuration of the new PKI but
> my understanding is that the new managed CAs will be issued by DigiCert
> roots and cross-signed by old Symantec roots. Therefore, they will be
> trusted in Firefox using a chain up to the DigiCert roots.

Hi Gerv,

That doesn't seem to line up with the discussion in
to date. Do you have any additional information to share?

Note that the path you just described is the one that poses non-trivial
risk to the ecosystem, from an interoperability standpoint, and thus may
not be desirable.

for further technical details.
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