在 2017年11月23日星期四 UTC+8下午8:24:19,Nick Lamb写道:
> On Thu, 23 Nov 2017 00:50:04 +0100
> Quirin Scheitle via dev-security-policy
> <dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:
> > 2) Cloudflare FreeSSL certificates issued by Comodo
> >     Batch: https://misissued.com/batch/30/
> >     Description: We are not aware that Cloudflare and Comodo are
> > affiliated, or that Comodo runs the DNS infrastructure of Cloudflare
> > customers — so these certificates should be checked like any other?
> My understanding is that Cloudflare CDN (usually? always?) is enabled by
> giving Cloudflare control over DNS for the names you want given CDN
> treatment, either a CNAME or direct name server control.
> I assume Comodo's arrangement with Cloudflare to permit bulk issuance
> is streamlined significantly by this control over DNS and in exchange
> Cloudflare gets a very good deal on those certificates, with the
> exact details presumably commercially sensitive. It doesn't seem
> unlikely that Comodo skip some checks for names that Cloudflare control
> in this way.
> It would be concerning if as a result of the streamlining it is /ever/
> possible for Cloudflare to obtain certificates for names that were not
> actually assigned by the above mechanism to Cloudflare, even if this
> only happened accidentally - because responsibility for correct issuance
> must lie with Comodo, not Cloudflare, any abdication of decision making
> power to an untrusted third party can be a Big Problem, just as
> we saw with Symantec.
> It would be less concerning, but still problematic if Cloudflare
> allowed a situation to exist in which their customers could use
> Cloudflare CDN for a name (so Cloudflare would ask Comodo to
> issue certificates for this name) while also setting CAA to forbid
> issuance by Comodo for the name, and then get a certificate issued
> anyway. This is clearly a violation of the rules as written, and
> shouldn't happen, but I'd be comfortable seeing this as basically a
> goof, a mismatch between intention and implementation, just needing a
> software fix and maybe some better documentation from Cloudflare so
> that it doesn't happen again.
> Can we have a comment from Comodo about this? And if appropriate they
> can invite someone technical from Cloudflare to comment too.
> Nick.

Comodo will check CAA before issurance even domain in Cloudflare. I asked it 
 So I think Comodo should give a comment about this.
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