
I am pleased to announce that Wayne Thayer is now a Mozilla employee, and will be working with me on our CA Program!

Many of you know Wayne from his involvement in this discussion forum and in the CA/Browser Forum, as a representative for the Go Daddy CA. Wayne was involved in Go Daddy's CA program from the beginning, so he has a deep understanding of CA policies, audits, and standards.

Some of the things Wayne will be working on in his new role include:
+ Review of root inclusion/update requests in discussion.
+ Investigate more complex root inclusion/update requests.
+ Help with CA mis-issuance investigations, bugs, and discussions.
+ Lead prioritization, effort, and discussions to update Mozilla Root Store Policy and CCADB Policy. (transition from Gerv over time)
+ Represent Mozilla in the CA/Browser Forum, along with Gerv.

I have added Wayne to the Policy_Participants wiki page:

Welcome, Wayne!

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