The end user agreed to the subscriber agreement, not Trustico. Our analysis 
follows what Peter B. posted – the subscriber is the “natural person or Legal 
Entity to whom a Certificate is issued and who is legally bound by a Subscriber 
Agreement or Terms of Use"—which in this case was Trustico’s customers.  In 
addition, we felt that given (1) the number of certificates Trustico was asking 
us to mass-revoke and (2) the lack of any substantiation of why Trustico 
thought the certs were “compromised,” we needed more information before 
revoking. At the minimum, it warranted alerting the contact for each 
certificate that revocation was imminent.


I also agree that there’s no problem with the way or that the keys were 
provided to DigiCert for cert revocation. I certainly don’t want to discourage 
revocation of compromised certs!  My main question is how do you handle these 
things? The process at scale should not be different if a reseller requests 
revocation compared to any other security researcher. The question is how you 
handle the this volume of revocations when its happen? I’ve never received a 
revocation request of this magnitude before so I’m seeking the wisdom of the 
community in what we do.


I’m happy to share any of the details I can. 





From: Ryan Sleevi <> 
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 11:58 AM
To: Jeremy Rowley <>
Subject: Re: How do you handle mass revocation requests?




On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 12:37 PM, Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy 
<> > wrote:

On February 2nd, 2018, we received a request from Trustico to mass revoke
all certificates that had been ordered by end users through Trustico.
Unfortunately, the email was not sent to the appropriate certificate problem
reporting channels and did not surface immediately so we're delayed in
sharing the concerns and information. Once we were alerted, the team kicked
off a debate that I wanted to bring to the CAB Forum. Basically, our
position is that resellers do not constitute subscribers under the Baseline
Requirement's definitions (Section 1.6.1). As such, we needed to confirm
that either the key was compromised or that they revocation was authorized
by the domain holder (the subscriber) prior to revoking the certificate. The
certificates were not alleged as compromised at that time.


I think there's a little nuance to this in the general case (e.g. consider 
"Resllers" who are also the hosting provider, and thus constitute the 
Applicant/Subscriber even when they're not the domain holder, but authorized by 
them), but based on this specific case, I think this sounds like a correct 


I think the biggest question is who agreed to the terms - Trustico or the 
end-user - and that mostly impacts the rest of the decision here. Further, did 
Trustico warrant on behalf of the user that the user agreed to the terms (in 
which case, I would think it's a bit of a copout, and it's really Trustico 
agreeing, thus the Subscriber), or did DigiCert have direct communication with 
the user on the basis of Trustico's introduction (in which case, yeah, the 
Subscriber is the user)


Anyway, just highlighting it here as perhaps not a uniform consensus, but 
perhaps not as material as what follows.


On 2/27/2018, at my request for proof of compromise, we received a file with
23k private keys matched to specific Trustico customers. This definitely
triggered our 24-hour revocation processing requirement under
Once we received the keys, we confirmed that these were indeed the matching
private keys for the reported certificates. We will be revoking these
certificates today (February 28th, 2018).


I think all of this sounds reasonable, no different than a security researcher 
(or random member of the public) who were to claim compromise with no evidence 
of that.


Currently, we are only revoking the certificates if we received the private
keys. There are additional certificates the reseller requested to have
revoked, but DigiCert has decided to disregard that request until we receive
proof of compromise or more information about the cause of this incident.


For the same reason that "Jane Random User" should not be able to cause 
revocation merely by assertion, I think that sounds reasonable.


This raises a question about the MDSP policy and CAB Forum requirements. Who
is the subscriber in the reseller relation?  We believe this to be the key
holder. However, the language is unclear. I think we followed the letter and
spirit of the BRs here, but I'd like feedback, perhaps leading to a ballot
that clarifies the subscriber in a reseller relationship.


I think the question here is less about who is the Applicant, but who is the 
Applicant Representative. If the Reseller is signing/agreeing the request on 
behalf of the applicant, or the Subscriber Agreement, they're the Applicant 
Representative and ostensibly should be taken as authorized.


I think the gap here is we have this notion of Applicant/Applicant 
Representative prior to the issuance - in which some 3P may agree to a 
Subscriber Agreement (or warrant agreement), yet claim the Subscriber is 
somehow a different entity or that Representative is no longer bound in scope. 
That seems pretty troubling - both in terms of how the Applicant Representative 
is verified as authorized (which seems fundamentally what a Reseller who agrees 
to a ToS is) - and as to how revocation works.


This also brings up a ballot about the level of due diligence required for
cert revocation. We generally believe that the private key or demonstration
of domain control is sufficient to request revocation. Others are at the CAs
discretion. Should we clarify what the due diligence looks like? Are there
other things we should have done or been doing?


I think Wayne's still looking at the revocation space (and I'm much belated in 
my offering feedback), but I think one of the gaps is one we've seen come up 
with Google domains and Let's Encrypt. And while I share these stories, to be 
clear, I don't think LE has done anything wrong in issuance or handling of it - 
it just is a good demonstration of the nuance that any such clarification 
should consider.


Consider , which was a 
<>  certificate obtained from LE following an apparent Registry 
compromise. Prior to the compromise, Google operated 
<> , during the compromise, an unknown third-party did, and 
following the compromise, Google again operated/controlled 
<> .


When it came to requesting revocation, however, this highlighted a challenge. 
Let's Encrypt has several defined methods for validation - the HTTP-01 method, 
TLS-SNI-01 (at the time), and DNS-01. Google services - particularly those 
hosting/serving <>  - do not support any of those 
methods (by somewhat intentional design). Google also did not control the 
private key - naturally.


Based on the evidence Google provided - and, importantly, through consultation 
with 3P - LE was able to determine the .tg compromise and revoke the 


A mandate of 'due diligence' that suggested demonstration of private key, or of 
using LE's preferred methods, would have prevented that revocation. A model 
that offers CA significant flexibility and discretion does have the downside of 
the CA choosing to *refuse* to revoke, and them claim that they were operating 
within the bounds of the Baseline Requirements.


Thus, any form of requiring due diligence has to consider an adversarial model 
of CAs (sorry Jeremy!), in which the CA may have incentives, whether real or 
imagined, not to revoke and/or to impose hardship on the domain operator. The 
current structure favors the 'victims' in the example I just gave, but I think 
also presents risks - as you raise - of 3P requesting revocation without 
authorization. I don't know if or how we'll be able to square those somewhat 
competing interests, but I think it's worth keeping in the consideration.


If we stretch the idea out further, one could imagine that CAs must support 
'all' validation methods to authenticate a revocation request. But now that 
shifts the burden from the victim (in having to prove control) onto the CA - 
which is its own set of tradeoffs. It also introduces new risk - in which 
adversaries may use a weaker method of authentication maliciously (for example, 
consider, in which anyone sharing an IP could cause the revocation of 
a cert of anyone else sharing that IP)


In any event, I'm hugely appreciative of the details you've taken to share and 
be transparent with the community regarding this. This is an incredibly 
valuable discussion to have, and more importantly, and valuable level of 
transparency regarding the incident, given the amount of apparent 
misinformation and confusion regarding this flying about.

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