Dear MSDP community,

As requested by Mozilla in the CA Communication survey we've reviewed our 
implementation of BR and PKIoverheid only issues OV/EV 
certificates to subscribers for which the applicant representative has to have 
had a face-to-face check to confirm the identity of the representative 
(regardless of which method from is used). The applicant 
representatives are defined beforehand by the applicant (authority is granted 
by a managing director, who's authority is checked against the national trade 
register). The issuing TSPs all use a secured environment in which the 
subscriber can order certificates. PKIoverheid certificates are mainly issued 
to Dutch subscribers. The Dutch Chamber of Commerce (de facto the national 
agency as referred in BR only allows unique organization names, and as 
mentioned before, the TSP has a complete file of the applicant and it 
representative(s). In case that there is doubt about the authority of the 
applicant (whether us
 ing method or, another method from is used 
instead. Therefore, the scenario as described earlier on the web (for instance, 
the Stripe, Inc. case) is, in our eyes, very unlikely. However, the PKIoverheid 
TSPs are now moving away from these methods per ballot 218.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Jochem van den Berge

Logius PKIoverheid
Public Key Infrastructure for the Dutch government
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK)
Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 52 | 2595 AN | The Hague
PO Box 96810 | 2509 JE | The Hague

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