Please provide citations that you believe support such an interpretation.
If you cannot provide such citations, then it seems as if interpretations
are being made up, which is no more productive than me suggesting that a CA
may have interpreted the relevant sections to mean that every third
Thursday, CAs that want to misissue should send me a bottle of whisky.

When discussing interpretations, it's useful to discuss what _you_ believe,
and not play devil's advocate, especially for other people. If you believe
that alternative interpretations exist, you should be expected to bear the
burden of proof that can describe and explain why you believe such an
interpretation is valid. Otherwise, speculating as to possible
interpretations, especially on behalf of other people, especially in the
context of violations, does not actually help productively resolve
confusion or concern - it merely adds to it and devalues the conversation.

So if your view is that it is a possible interpretation, please demonstrate
why that is.
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