(Writing with an individual hat)

I would like to suggest that consideration be given to rejecting future
audits from TUVIT and from that of Matthias Wiedenhorst and Dr. Anja
Widermann, for some period of time. I would suggest this period be at least
one year long; however, given the technical details of ETSI accreditation,
believe a period of three years may be more appropriate.

As part of an investigation into the incorrect qcStatements reported at
, I've used this as an example to explore the complaint handling process
under ETSI EN 319 403.

For those not familiar with the process, ETSI EN 319 403 normatively
incorporates various portions of ISO/IEC 17065, which is an international
standard for Conformity Assessment Bodies. Under the eIDAS scheme, auditors
(henceforth called Conformity Assessment Bodies, or CAB) are assessed by
their National Accreditation Body, or NAB, as being accredited under EN 319
403 to conduct audits against the schemes in ETSI EN 319 411-1 and ETSI EN
319 411-2. When a CA (called a Trust Service Provider, or TSP, by eIDAS)
has been audited (accredited) by a CAB against the scheme in EN 319 411-1
or 411-2, the CAB is applying the principles in EN 319 403.

If there is a belief that a TSP has failed to meet the requirements of
their accreditation, EN 319 403 describes a process for which complaints
may be made to either the TSP or to the CAB. This complaint process is
further expanded upon in ISO/IEC 17065, which 319 403 incorporates. This
same process also applies when there have been mistakes by the CAB to
adhere to its scheme requirements under EN 319 403 - a complaint may be
made with either the CAB or the NAB regarding the CAB's accreditation.

Each CAB and NAB must make available their information for processing
complaints. Given that 100% of the qualified certificates issued by
T-Systems have failed to comply with the requirements of ETSI EN 319 411-2,
by virtue of failing to comply with ETSI EN 319 412-5, I lodged a complaint
regarding T-System's certification with TUVIT, which certified T-Systems.

As part of processing the complaint, the following issues regarding TUVIT's
handling of complaints and overall approach to audits were revealed.

Issue A) As part of their initial response to my complaint, TUVIT, by way
of Matthias Wiedenhorst (Head of Certification Division TSP) stated "As a
very first, quick cross check with our audit evidence record, I can only
say that we did check issued certificates from within the declared period
and that they did contain the proper qcStatement-6.3 / id-etsi-qcs-QcType
3". However, this statement was in direct conflict with the TSP's own
investigation and incident report, provided at
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1498463#c3 , which states the
mistake was introduced during the development of support - that is, no such
properly issued certificates were issued.

In follow-up with TUVIT, I requested they provide any evidence to support
the claim that such certificates were issued, knowing the matter reported
by T-Systems means this is highly improbable.

In subsequent reply, Matthias Wiedenhorst acknowledged that their
methodology for testing compliance with ETSI EN 319 412-5 stated that the
process was "the auditors have to check the website certificates manually
for the presence of the QC-statement. In this case, the existence of the
id-etsi-qct-web was identified, but for any reason it was not realized that
the esi4-qcStatements-6 was missing. We informed the auditors about how to
check the QC-statement correctly so that we are confident, that in future
an incorrect coding will be detected. "

This implies a significant lack of core competencies within TUVIT to assess
against the criteria of ETSI EN 319 412-5, which provides a normative ASN.1
module within its specification.

Issue C) In regards to remedies, I requested a suspension of T-Systems
current ETSI EN 319 411-2 accreditation, and a subsequent assessment of a
Full audit, given concerns with respect to the audit team performing the
initial audit. TUVIT declined this, on the basis that they assess such
technical non-compliance to be a 'minor non-conformity' that, per ETSI EN
319 403, may be resolved in the next three months by T-Systems without
adversely affecting their accreditation.

Further, T-Systems and TUVIT decided that, on the basis that it is a
non-conformity, such certificates do not need to be revoked according to
the Baseline Requirements' timeline. Furthermore, the failure to revoke
according to the Baseline Requirements' timeline was a further minor
non-conformity, not adversely affecting the certification decision of
T-Systems, and may be remedied over the next 3 months.

Furthermore, in response to whether or not such matters of non-conformities
would be reported by TUVIT (the CAB), Matthis Wiedenhorst acknowledged that
they are not required to make such information public at this time.

I believe this significantly undermines the level of confidence and
assurance that relying parties should place in audits conducted by TUVIT.
The inducement to non-compliant actions, combined with the non-disclosure
of these "non-conformities" to affected parties, is at odds with the
principles and values of the respective Root Programs' goals.

In addition to these concerns with respect to the audits provided, I will
be further lodging a complaint with the German National Accreditation
Body, Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH, regarding TUVIT's accreditation
under EN 319 403 to asses TSPs against EN 319 411-1 and EN 319 411-2. The
handling of this incident, the material misstatement as to what was
examined, combined with the failure to ensure appropriate and prompt
notification to the CAB and the Supervisory Body (as detailed in
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1498463#c3 ) call into serious
question the compliance with Regulation (EU) N°910/2014 on behalf of both
T-Systems and TUVIT. In particular, the failure to perform a timely
notification under Article 19(2) of the "loss of integrity that has a
significant impact on the trust service provider" represents a significant
breach of trust.

With respect to what constitutes a "loss of integrity", both Article 8 and
Article 7(f) note compliance to the appropriate technical standards and the
prohibition of any "specific disproportionate technical requirements on
relying parties ..." that would "significantly impede the interoperability
of the notified electronic identification schemes".

Through their failure to assure a timely disclosure, and the failure to
revoke, TUVIT's certifications disproportionately and adversely affect
Relying Parties. Such certificates assert that they are qualified
certificates, and thus Relying Parties should be able to rely upon them for
their constitutive value. However, in the absence of the appropriate and
mandatory notice as to the qualified purpose of such certificates, as this
incident demonstrates, Relying Parties are left without an interoperable
means of determining whether or not such Qualified Certificates are indeed
qualified, and thus subject to the protections afforded by eIDAS.

Furthermore, the complaint process established under EN 319 403 refers to
that of ISO/IEC 17065:2012. Under ISO/IEC 17065:2012, the requirement is
put forward within 7.13.5 and 7.13.6 that the complaint resolution process
be independent from those from those involved in the audit or those who
have consulted with or been employed by the subject of the audit. Matthias
Wiedenhorst's involvement in, and resolution of, this complaint, calls into
question whether TUVIT has acted according to this, given that they are
represented as Lead Auditor for T-Systems' audit. At this point, the only
objective means of resolving whether or not the process was followed is to
lodge a complaint such that the NAB may themselves investigate the handling
of this complaint.

Given that the Supervisory Body and National Accreditation bodies exist to
protect the legal value of this scheme, the failure by TUVIT to uphold the
safety and security of the eIDAS regime represents an ongoing threat to the
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