In common with others who've responded to this report I am very skeptical about the contrast between the supposed importance of this customer's systems versus their, frankly, lackadaisical technical response.

This might all seem harmless but it ends up as "the boy who cried wolf". If you relay laughable claims from customers several times, when it comes to an incident where maybe some extraordinary delay was justifiable any good will is already used up by the prior claims.

CA/B is the right place for CAs to make the case for a general rule about giving themselves more time to handle technical non-compliances whose correct resolution will annoy customers but impose little or no risk to relying parties, I personally at least would much rather see CAs actually formally agree they should all have say 28 days in such cases - even though that's surely far longer than it should be - than a series of increasingly implausible "important" but ultimately purely self-serving undocumented exceptions that make the rules on paper worthless.
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