On Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 1:32 PM Jakob Bohm via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> > 2. Change our policy to state that any undisclosed intermediate we
> discover
> > will be immediately and permanently added to OneCRL.
> This needs adding some logical criteria, notably:

It's not clear what you feel drives these requirements. A few selected
comments below.

> - Send a stern warning e-mail to the CA contact when 2/3 of the time
>   between SubCA generation and deadline expiry has passed.

Could you explain why you see this being required?

> - In OneCRL, add a separate OneCRL reason marker for SubCAs revoked in
>   for this reason only.  This to allow extremely space or bandwidth
>   constrained OneCRL consumers to omit those, as well as to provide
>   truthful error messages in full clients such as Firefox.

This one is more interesting. There is only one OneCRL consumer, and the
question of product UI or behaviour is not really part of this Forum (note:
policy). It seems like this is working backward from a requirement - you
think there should be a different error message - and then trying to imply
how to meet that, without really clearly stating that.

Could you instead elaborate on what you see the desired end-states are,
rather than enumerating the proposed intermediate steps?
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