On 10/02/2019 02:55, Corey Bonnell wrote:
> Hello,
> Section 5.1 of the Mozilla Root Store Policy 
> (https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/governance/policies/security-group/certs/policy/)
>  specifies the allowed set of key and signature algorithms for roots and 
> certificates that chain to roots in the Mozilla Root Store. Specifically, the 
> following hash algorithms and ECDSA hash/curve pairs are allowed:
> • Digest algorithms: SHA-1 (see below), SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512.
> • P‐256 with SHA-256
> • P‐384 with SHA-384
> Given this, if an End-Entity certificate were signed using a subordinate CA’s 
> P-384 key with ecdsa-with-SHA512 as the signature algorithm (which would be 
> reflected in the End-Entity certificate's signatureAlgorithm field), would 
> this violate Mozilla policy? As I understand it, an ECDSA signing operation 
> with a P-384 key using SHA-512 would be equivalent to using SHA-384 (due to 
> the truncation that occurs), so I am unsure if this would violate the 
> specification above (although the signatureAlgorithm field value would be 
> misleading). I believe the same situation exists if a P-256 key is used for a 
> signing operation with SHA-384.
> Any insight into whether this is allowed or prohibited would be appreciated.

Using the same DSA or ECDSA key with more than one hash algorithm 
violates the cryptographic design of DSA/ECDSA, because those don't 
include a hash identifier into the signature calculation.  It's 
insecure to even accept such signatures, as it would make the 
signature checking code vulnerable to 2nd pre-image attacks on the 
hash algorithm not used by the actual signer to generate 
signatures.  It would also be vulnerable to cross-hash pre-image 
attacks that are otherwise not considered weaknesses in the hash 

Furthermore the FIPS essentially (if not explicitly) require using 
a shortened 384-bit variant of SHA-512 as input to P-384 ECDSA, 
and the only approved such shortened version is, in fact, SHA-384.

Using the same P-384 ECDSA key pair with both SHA-384 and 
SHA-3-384 might be within some readings of the FIPS, but would 
still be vulnerable to the issue above (imagine a pre-image 
weakness being found in either hash algorithm, all signatures 
with such a key would then become suspect).


Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S.  https://www.wisemo.com
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