Thank you for this incident report Fotis. I have created to track this issue.

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 4:37 PM Fotis Loukos via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> ### Problem description
> has issued a limited number of ECDSA certificates with
> curve-hash pairs that are no longer allowed by the Mozilla Root Store
> Policy.
> In particular, section 5.1 states that:
> > Root certificates in our root program, and any certificate which
> chains up to them, MUST use only algorithms and key sizes from the
> following set:
> > - ECDSA keys using one of the following curve-hash pairs:
> >   - P‐256 with SHA-256
> >   - P‐384 with SHA-384
> A number of certificates which do not use these pairs have been issued.
> In particular, certificates were issued using the P-384 curve /
> ecdsa-with-SHA256 pair.
> It should be noted that all of these certificates are compliant with the
> CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements, but not with the current Mozilla Root
> Store Policy, as it was amended at version 2.4 the 1st of March 2017.
> ### How your CA first became aware of the problem (e.g. via a problem
> report submitted to your Problem Reporting Mechanism, a discussion in
>, a Bugzilla bug, or internal self-audit),
> and the time and date.
> On Monday, 25 February 2019, a manual review of some certificates that
> were going to be issued was conducted by multiple teams within
> instead of the compliance team only, and the problem was identified.
> ### A timeline of the actions your CA took in response. A timeline is a
> date-and-time-stamped sequence of all relevant events. This may include
> events before the incident was reported, such as when a particular
> requirement became applicable, or a document changed, or a bug was
> introduced, or an audit was done.
> - 01/03/2017 - Version 2.4 of the Mozilla Root Store Policy was
> published which limits the allowed curve-hash pairs for the ECDSA
> algorithm.
> - 01/03/2017 - The differences between version 2.3 and 2.4 of the Policy
> were communicated between the different departments of, without
> including the limits on the allowed curve-hash pairs.
> - 25/02/2019 - A manual review of some certificates that were going to
> be issued was conducted by multiple teams within It was
> identified that the curve-hash pair was illegal and no certificates were
> issued.
> - 25/02/2019 - As a result an investigation was performed and found that
> additional certificates had been issued using the same curve-hash pair.
> The incident response process formally began.
> - 25/02/2019 - In addition to the end-user certificates this
> investigation found several CAs certificates that were created with this
> set of parameters.
> - 26/02/2019 - Issuance of all ECDSA certificates was suspended and a
> plan of action for remediation of this issue begun.
> - 26/02/2019 - Mozilla was contacted and was made aware of the issue.
> - 26/02/2019 - We reviewed all linters and we found that we had none for
> the Mozilla Root Store Policy requirements.
> - 26/02/2019 - To improve both pre-issuance and post-issuance auditing,
> we reviewed all Mozilla technical requirements and implemented linters
> for each one to ensure continued compliance.
> - 26/02/2019 - These linters were executed against the entire corpus of
> certificates to ensure all associated certificates were identified.
> - 27/02/2019 - Restructuring of the mode of operation of the compliance
> team begun in order to ensure better monitoring of browser policies.
> - 07/03/2019 - The configuration of all production CAs was modified to
> prevent the future issuance of certificates using these parameters.
> - 07/03/2019 - All misissued end-user certificates were revoked.
> - 07/03/2019 - To mitigate this issue we took the decision to revoke all
> associated CAs including those created before the Mozilla policy was
> created prohibiting these curves to ensure we meet the highest possible
> level of security and compliance.
> - 07/03/2019 - Issuance of ECDSA certificates was resumed.
> ### Whether your CA has stopped, or has not yet stopped, issuing
> certificates with the problem. A statement that you have will be
> considered a pledge to the community; a statement that you have not
> requires an explanation.
> All issuance of ECDSA certificates was suspended when we realized the
> Mozilla Root Store Policy compliance issue.
> After fixing the certificate profiles to limit the curve-hash pairs,
> revoking the old SubCAs and issuing new ones using the P-384 curve and
> ecdsa-with-SHA384, ECDSA certificate issuance was resumed.
> ### A summary of the problematic certificates. For each problem: number
> of certs, and the date the first and last certs with that problem were
> issued.
> The total number of certificates that were issued using curve-hash pairs
> not compliant with the Mozilla Root Store Policy are:
> - CA Certificates: 10 certificates from Dec 17 2018 to Feb 14 2019
> - SSL Certificates: 15 certificates from Apr 24 2018 to Feb 25 2019
> - OCSP Responder certificates: 11 certificates from May 29 2018 to Feb
> 20 2019
> ### The complete certificate data for the problematic certificates. The
> recommended way to provide this is to ensure each certificate is logged
> to CT and then list the fingerprints or IDs, either in the report
> or as an attached spreadsheet, with one list per distinct problem.
> Please find attached the files cacerts.csv, sslcerts.csv and
> ocspcerts.csv that contain a full list of all problematic certificates.
> Please note that this is not the complete list of the certificates that
> were revoked, but only the ones that were not in compliance with the
> Mozilla Root Store Policy.
> ### Explanation about how and why the mistakes were made or bugs
> introduced, and how they avoided detection until now.
> Before version 2.4 of the Mozilla Root Store Policy there were no
> restrictions on the possible allowed curve-hash pairs when using P-256
> and P-384 with SHA256 and SHA384. Thus, our initial set up included the
> P-384 with SHA-256 pair. This changed with version 2.4 and was clarified
> at 2.4.1. Unfortunately, the change was not communicated to the
> technical team. When this was clarified at 2.4.1, it seemed as a
> clarification to a practice which we already implement.
> Furthermore, implements linting of the tbsCertificate structure
> before using the CA key to perform any signing operation (either
> pre-certificate or certificate). However, the set of linters we use
> (certlint/cablint and zlint) lint against RFC5280 and the CA/B Forum
> Baseline Requirements, and not the Mozilla Root Store Policy.
> The issue was not identified during any of the audits, since it is not
> an auditable criteria being part only of the Mozilla Root Store Policy.
> ### List of steps your CA is taking to resolve the situation and ensure
> such issuance will not be repeated in the future, accompanied with a
> timeline of when your CA expects to accomplish these things.
> We have taken several different steps to ensure that we will not have
> such issues again in the future.
> - We have introduced changes in the compliance department, and our team
> will monitor closely all changes in the Mozilla Root Store Policy as
> they are reflected at the github repository. These changes will be
> handled in a similar fashion to the CA/B Forum Baseline Requirements and
> other similar compliance requirements.
> - We have already created a linter that checks against the specific
> requirements set by the Mozilla Root Store Policy. This linter is set up
> to lint the tbsCertificates at the same time as the aforementioned linters.
> - The compliance department will provide feedback to the team that
> maintains the linter in order to keep it up to date.
> Best regards,
> Fotis
> --
> Fotis Loukos, PhD
> Director of Security Architecture
> SSL Corp
> e:
> w:
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