
I have two improvement suggestions for the page crt.sh.

I often stumble across extentions or other kind of OIDs which are not 
known/named by the system. For example the extention

(1) It would be great if all OIDs could automatically get a hyperlink pointing 
to oid-info.com , e.g. oid-info.com/get/ , so you can quickly 
get information about an OID by clicking on it.

(2) About the OID in particular: Since I think this 
extention becomes more and more popular as OCSP MustStaple evolves, maybe it 
would be good to decode it, showing the TLS features in plaintext. For example, 
to see the list of features for a certificate, I need to
copy paste the hex dump (e.g. "30 03 02 01 05") into an ASN.1 decoder, e.g. 
https://lapo.it/asn1js/ , to get the list of extention IDs. (e.g. 5)
Then I need to lookup these extention IDs at the IANA registry 
 (e.g. 5 = status_request).

What do you think?

Take care,
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