> There are also opportunities for browsers here.  I have to admit I
> primarily use Google Chrome, rather than Firefox, so my observations may be
> a little tainted, but I see various places where signals far more valuable
> than the green lock could be implemented.  Consider that most browsers
> recognize credit card entry fields -- wouldn't it be great if clicking on
> one on an EV site showed a little drop down under the input box that said
> "[CA name here] has certified that [EV info here] is receiving your credit
> card information"?

I like this idea, but putting my browser UI designer hat on, I would ask myself 
some questions. Would these indicators appear in input and textarea html tags? 
Or should it be at the form tag level? What about form elements that completely 
hide the native appearance via css? What about ajax and/or reactive apps? Then 
I would think it's just simpler to put the EV UI in the address bar. I'm 
curious if the browser developers went through this process, and we all ended 
up with what we have now. It might be time to (re)examine this.
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