When I initially raised the topic I had two things in mind:

-        What if a facility can’t be audited?

-        If main key management facilities are down can WebPKI CA meet SSLBR


As for the inability to audit, a few things come to mind based on the previous 
shared thoughts:

-        Inform root programs ASAP if a certain location is in a situation 
where it cannot be inspected within the three months after the period under 

-        File an “exception request” (which requires to be renew regularly to 
ensure CAs need to continuously justify an incomplete audit)

-        Complete the audit for all locations that can be audited

-        Deliver updated report that incorporates the facilities as soon as the 
facility is back available for inspection


Ryan, related to your thought “Similarly, if a CA’s preferred auditors are from 
a region affected by travel restrictions, but other accredited auditors exist 
that would be capable, would that be sufficient?”

-        Auditors are not that flexible on reporting formats and doing a 
specific subset of a standards on a specific location. 

-        What would the root programs accept in terms of such an ad-hoc report 
as it will not be an ISAE3000/CSAE3000/SSAE18 format? 

-        Depending on the CA it would also be multiple reports that will be 
incomplete: WebTrust, SSLBR, EV, (EV) Code Signing

-        Which controls / criteria should be reported on? Only the ones related 
to physical security? 


For the key material security and key management continuity aspect, compared to 
the controls I would think a typical CA would implement the WebTrust standard 
is quite brief and vague:

-        Criterion #3.8 focuses on general CA continuity and availability of 
technology and information. For key material it focuses on having back-ups.  

-        There is one specific control (#3.8.6) that talks a bit about securing 
a facility during a disaster 


None of these controls really talk focused about the importance of or set any 
timings for having a capability available at original or remote site to perform 
critical key management activities such as timely ICA revocation. Also 
generally our opinion is that key material protection requirements in WT are 
substandard to the level of protection that is required for WebPKI CAs. 


Based on our internal risk appetite we have implemented additional controls, 
including but not limited to:

-        Having key management facilities / capability on different continents 
in politically stable countries

-        Having additional locations on top of the above facilities under 
different political rule to which we can move key material quickly and securely 
in case of any threat or instability

-        “Key management facility” means a facility where key material is 
stored. Credentials to unlock the key management facility and key material are 
stored in at least two other different locations in close proximity to the key 
management facility and require the presence of different roles to obtain 

-        Rotational key management activities in the different locations to 
make sure the facilities are and stay operational and plans work when it comes 
to a BCP execution

-        A colluded group of at least six trusted role people is required in 
order to obtain access to key management material


From: Ryan Sleevi <r...@sleevi.com> 
Sent: vrijdag 28 februari 2020 19:32
To: Ryan Sleevi <r...@sleevi.com>
Cc: mozilla-dev-security-policy 
<mozilla-dev-security-pol...@lists.mozilla.org>; Arvid Vermote 
Subject: Re: Auditing of CA facilities in lockdown because of an environmental 


Hi Arvid,


I wanted to follow-up, and see if you had suggestions or ideas here for 
appropriate next steps. Understandably, as more countries are affected, this 
will no doubt continue to be an issue. I think you're spot on for asking early, 
as you did, and I'm hoping GlobalSign (and others!) might have ideas on 
appropriate risk mitigation and potential remediation strategies.

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