For 0% of impact the FPs do not matter that much, so agreed!

Of course for now reality is not that... yet! seems so appropriate :)

PS  I was definitely not advocating for 5% false negative, no; we must
strive for 0% false negatives as well; all I was saying was exercising
caution for the perhaps-not-so-clear-cut 5% cases. (Probably closer to 1%)

On Tue, 10 Mar 2020 at 23:08, Ryan Sleevi <> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 5:56 PM Piotr Kucharski <> wrote:
>> I'm sympathetic to CAs wanting to filter out the noise of shoddy reports
>>> and shenanigans, but I'm also highly suspicious of CAs that put too
>>> unreasonable an onus on reporters. It seems, in the key compromise case,
>>> the benefit of the doubt should largely deal with the reporter. If we saw
>>> some quantifiable increase in hijinks and misrevocations, there are a
>>> myriad of ways to deal with that. The most effective of these reasons seems
>>> to be facilitating rapid replacement of certificates, rather than
>>> preferring ossification.
>> I am totally against putting unreasonable onus on reporters! But
>> hopefully you agree that CAs should strive for zero false positives in
>> revocations.
> I'd happily take a 95% false positive of revocations if there were 0%
> impact in the revocation (e.g. due to easy replacement). I'm mainly
> hesitant to setting up a system of 0% false positives but which has a 5%
> false negative.
> That's why I'm less excited for standard systems of signaling revocation
> (not that there isn't some value!), and more keen on systems that make
> revocation easier, quicker, and less-impactful. That's obviously Hard Work,
> but that's the exciting part of working in PKI. Everything is Hard Work
> these days :D
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