On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 7:06 PM Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 12:33:29PM -0400, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> > I'm not sure an incident report is necessary. The CCADB policy allows
> both
> > to be provided, and the mechanisms that CCADB uses (both for CAs and for
> > Root Stores) permit a host of expressiveness (and further changes are
> being
> > made).
> I guess we're working on different meanings for "provide", in this
> sentence of the CCADB policy:
> > CAs must provide English versions of any Certificate Policy,
> Certification
> > Practice Statement and Audit documents which are not originally in
> English
> The way I was looking at it was that a CPS is "provided" to the CCADB by
> linking to it.  If a translated CPS exists, but it isn't linked to from the
> CCADB (or, as far as I can tell, anywhere sensible on the CA's site), can
> it
> really be said to have been "provided"?  Especially when (as is the case
> for
> DFN-Verein) the cert itself doesn't include cPSuri, indicating where the
> repository even is?

No, we’re using the same meaning. There’s just many more fields and ways
for a CA to provide a CP/CPS, and even these methods are undergoing some
changes (e.g. to account for CAs that may have dozens of CP/CPSes
associated with a root).

Perhaps the CCADB needs to be augmented, to specifically include an "English
> language version" of CP/CPS/Audit statements?

That’s a perfectly reasonable suggestion, but also note that, as with
above, there’s active development going on in terms of how CP/CPSes are
represented and linked to CAs.

> > This is something that the proposed Browser Alignment ballots in the CA/B
> > Forum,
> >
> https://github.com/cabforum/documents/compare/master...sleevi:2019-10-Browser_Alignment
> > ,
> > would address. It incorporates the Mozilla Policy, Microsoft Policy, and
> > CCADB policy within the BRs itself.
> >
> > In that branch, see the revised Section 8.6
> As far as I can see, s8.6 only discussed audit reports, not CP/CPS.  Which
> is fine and necessary, but when I'm trying to figure out where to send
> "y'all have a pile of certs that need revoking because your customers leave
> their keys on pastebin" e-mails, a CPS that I can read is what I need.

D’oh! You’re entirely right! That should have been added to Section 2.2,
and is an oversight in my part. I’ll make sure to fix that. Thanks for
bringing up this issue :)

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