Thank you Matt. I really appreciate the detailed summary and look forward
to your specific improvement proposals.

- Wayne

On Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 1:12 AM Matt Palmer via dev-security-policy <> wrote:

> I've been asked to provide some "big-picture" thoughts on how the process
> for key compromise revocations works, doesn't work, and could be improved.
> This is based on the work that I've done over the past month or so,
> requesting revocation of certificates which have had their private keys
> disclosed by being posted to some public location.
> This e-mail is intended to provide a summary of what I did and how it all
> went, with a summary of the things that I came across which I feel could
> stand to be improved.  Most of these improvements will likely come through
> changes to the Mozilla or CCADB policies, or via changes to the BRs.  A
> couple are things that CAs themselves need to take on board, as they aren't
> "policy" matters as such, but are still issues of concern.
> As the exact nature of how a problem may be solved will, no doubt, engender
> no small amount of debate, I intend (unless someone tells me I'm once again
> being a goose), to provide separate e-mail thread-starters on the details
> of the issues I found, along with my proposals for how the issues might be
> solved.  I will be providing a summary of the issues I found, but all the
> gory minutiae will be provided in later e-mail threads.
> One final thing before I get started: I'd like to give a big shout-out to
> Rob Stradling and anyone else who is involved in making happen, and
> Sectigo for sponsoring its existence.  Everything I've done here would have
> been a zillion times harder if there wasn't already a database of every
> CT-logged certificate available for me to hammer on.  It is an Internet
> Treasure.
> So to kick things off, let's have some stats.
> In the past month, I've requested revocation of over 2,800 certificates and
> pre-certs[1], across 11 different "CA organisations" (I'm counting one "CA
> organisation" as any number of issuing CAs that share a common problem
> reporting address).  These certificates were using a total of 1,217
> distinct
> private keys.  These keys come from multiple sources, but based on an
> analysis of a sample of around 3% of those keys, the overwhelming majority
> come from GitHub repositories which were at one time -- and in many cases
> still are -- publicly available.
> As a bit of an aside, at the time of writing, there are a further 52 SPKIs,
> representing an unknown number of certificates, for which I have yet to
> request revocation from the relevant CAs.  These are keys which have
> entered
> the pwnedkeys database since around the 23rd March.  In addition, since the
> 23rd, I've automatically requested revocation of 17 certificates (from 16
> SPKIs) through Let's Encrypt's automated ACME-based revocation API (and
> also
> deactivated about eight Let's Encrypt accounts whose private keys were
> posted
> publicly...)
> An interesting thing to do is to compare "issuance volume" against
> "disclosed keys".  This isn't a reflection of the CAs themselves, because a
> CA can't control what their customers do with their keys.  Given the
> differences in issuance methodologies, target markets, and business
> practices between CAs, it's worth taking a look at different CAs'
> "disclosure rate", I guess you'd call it, and consider what impact, if any,
> tho differences between CAs' operations might have on the likelihood of
> their customers disclosing their keys.
> I've taken issuance volume as being the total number of unexpired
> certificates (as of a few days ago) issued by a "CA organisation" (again,
> all the issuing CAs that share a common problem reporting address).
> Pre-certs get in the way, unfortunately, but it's not trivial to say "only
> count a pre-cert if there isn't a corresponding cert" in, so we have
> what we have.
> Of the 11 CA orgs that I sent at least one revocation request to, here are
> their numbers:
> CA org          SPKIs           Issued          Issued / SPKI
> Digicert        832             34029920        40901
> QuoVadis        23              73184           3181
> GlobalSign      47              1650873         35124
> DFN-Verein      3               52945           17648
> GoDaddy         38              4264928         112234
> Sectigo         128             41718165        325923
> Entrust         6               576093          96015
> SECOM           1               118748          118748
> Certum          5               329047          65809
> Let's Encrypt   133             122438321       920588
> I took the opportunity, also, to look at a couple of larger CAs (by
> issuance
> volume) which have had zero certificates with keys I found:
> (issued
> 1284676), and Amazon (issued 2308004).  Clearly, the best approach to
> avoiding key disclosure is never giving the subscriber the key in the first
> place...
> Finally, I thought it worth checking as to how many certificates were
> issued
> after the private key was already known to have been compromised by being
> included in the pwnedkeys database.  Based on the apparently common
> behaviour of "request cert, then stick cert+key into a public GitHub repo",
> I didn't think there would be many of these.  Turns out I was
> insufficiently
> pessimistic:
> > Found 931 certificates across 90 keys that were pwned before the cert was
> > issued.
> Again, certs+pre-certs make the apparent cert count bigger; the important
> thing is that 90 keys -- or about 7% of the total number of customers who
> were inconvenienced by sudden revocation and reissuance -- were *already
> known* to be compromised before a cert was issued.  Those customers could
> have been saved from inconvenience had their keys have been checked for
> pwnage prior to issuance.  That seems significant to me.
> As to the process of revoking so many certificates, overall I have to say I
> was pleasantly surprised at the degree to which CAs were willing and able
> to
> process revocation requests -- especially when, after a small round of
> "test" revocation requests, to ensure that CAs seemed able to process what
> I
> was sending, I dropped mass lists of a year's worth of accumulated keys on
> CAs.  I know that CAs don't get to hear a lot of positive things from the
> wider community, so consider this one of those rare occasions when someone
> says something nice about y'all.  <grin>
> However, not everything went smoothly.  Many of the issues weren't
> contraventions of the current rules, but rather places where the rules
> could
> definitely stand a bit of a tune-up.  On the couple of occasions when I
> felt
> that a CA's actions were not in line with the BRs or Mozilla policy, I
> submitted a detailed description of the facts of each case to this list.
> This e-mail and its followups are not intended to call out any particular
> CA; I am intending here to speak to the "systemic" issues that I
> encountered
> while on my quest.  Where I do mention a specific CA, it is simply because
> it is a lot harder to follow if I keep writing "CA Betty" and "CA Fred"
> everywhere.
> I've managed to group the problems into three areas: Problems Reporting
> (difficulties in even getting the reports to the right place), Revocation
> Shenanigans (things that did not go according to plan during and after the
> revocation process itself), and Interaction Intransigence (a few things
> that
> I noticed in my dealings with CAs that would be really, *really* good if
> they could be improved).
> First off, in reporting problems, the biggest hurdle was figuring out where
> to send the reports to.  CCADB contact details (as exposed by's
> "Report a problem with this certificate" link) were a good start, but not
> all CAs had an e-mail address in there, and in some cases the contact form
> that was linked to didn't look particularly "problem-report-y" -- it could
> very well have gone straight to the sales team by the look of it.  I will
> write up a separate proposal on the specific improvements I think could be
> made around problem reporting contact details.
> Because CCADB contact details aren't "binding" on CAs, I had to check each
> contact e-mail address with the CPS in any case, and that showed that
> finding a CPS was, in most cases, harder than it needed to be, and finding
> one in a language I could understand was sometimes an adventure.  I will
> write up a separate proposal on some possibilities around how identifying
> the relevant CPS given a certificate, and another on improving clarity
> around English language versions of CPSes.
> Also, as something of an aside, I noticed several CPSes did not mention
> anything about third parties being able to request revocation in s4.9.2.  I
> know, and we here all know, that the BRs trump a CPS, and the BRs say
> anyone
> can do it, but I don't think a CPS should be saying things that are just
> plain wrong, especially when it's not hard to do it right.
> Moving on to revocation shenanigans, it is gratifying to be able to note
> that there were no outright, blatant *failures* of revocation.  No CA
> spectacularly dropped the ball, or completely failed to revoke masses of
> certificates.  What there was, though, were a number of sub-optimal
> interpretations and implementations of the BRs, leading to outcomes which
> are clearly not in the best interests of the ecosystem.
> Starting at the moment of reporting, it seems that there is a disconnect in
> the interpretations that CAs and other parties in the ecosystem have
> regarding when the 24 hour deadline for revocation starts.  I agree that
> the
> wording in the BRs could be clearer, and I'll be writing up a proposal for
> how I think those sections could be improved.
> Once revocation was processed, I sometimes noticed a rather surprising
> delay
> in the availability of the revocation information, especially in OCSP
> responses.  Frankly, I'm a bit surprised that this happens, given that to
> me, the requirements of s4.9.5 of the BRs (around "published revocation")
> seem fairly clear.  I am planning on gathering more data around this issue
> before I make any concrete proposals.
> One of the things that I found quite frustrating was the "revocation
> whack-a-mole" that I had to do -- having to send repeated revocation
> requests for a given key to the same CA.  Issuance of certificates with
> previously-reported private keys is not currently a BR violation, however
> failing to revoke those certificates within 24 hours after issuance is
> considered a violation.  Since it requires a... shall we say, "nuanced"...
> reading of the BRs to discern this requirement, it is not surprising that
> some CAs have not abided by it.  I will be writing up a proposal to clearly
> forbid issuance of certificates for private keys which have previously been
> reported to that CA as compromised, so that this issue won't happen in the
> future.
> I also noticed one case of "CA agility" from a compromised key recycler
> (there may be others that haven't caught my attention).  After having had a
> certificate revoked from underneath them, an enterprising individual got a
> certificate from a different CA for the same key.  To be clear, in no way
> is
> this a violation by either CA -- no amount of tortured interpretation could
> conclude that the BRs or Mozilla policy has anything to say about this
> situation.  Nevertheless, it demonstrates the lengths to which enterprising
> people will go to implement terribly bad ideas.
> I hesitate to make a proposal that CAs should be required to refuse
> issuance
> for a key known to another CA to be compromised, as it may be interpreted
> as
> an overt attempt to "spruik" the service I run, but it does seem that some
> way to prevent a known-compromised key from travelling between CAs would
> not
> be entirely without merit.  It would certainly be useful if there was some
> way that CAs needed to accept notifications that "hey, this key could turn
> up, and it's compromised".  Although as has previously been mentioned,
> there
> are resource exhaustion issues to be considered in such a mechanism.
> An occurrence I was *not* expecting was coming across a valid certificate
> using a Debian weak key.  I generated a large number of weak keys to
> populate the pwnedkeys database not on the assumption that an SSL
> certificate would ever be caught, but rather for use in other contexts
> unrelated to the WebPKI.  I have been led to believe that a proposal to
> improve this aspect of the BRs is already on its way to the CA/Browser
> Forum, and I look forward to seeing a meaningful improvement in that
> section.
> In concert with my (human-mediated) revocation notifications, I have been
> sending semi-automated revocation requests to Let's Encrypt, using the ACME
> protocol.  This has been extremely smooth and straightforward, and my life
> -- and, I presume, the lives of the staff at the CAs I've reported
> revocations to -- would be a lot easier if every CA had an equivalent
> facility available.  I think this is so useful, in fact, that I have
> started
> coding a program capable of receiving key compromise revocations and
> forwarding them via e-mail, which will be released as open source when it
> is
> in a fit state for deployment.  Because of my implementation work, I'm
> hesitant to make a proposal to mandate the availability of an ACME-based
> revocation mechanism, to avoid any appearances of a conflict of interest,
> however I think it would be a valuable addition to the ease of reporting
> (and receiving) key compromise notifications if such a mandate were to be
> proposed and adopted.
> Finally, I noticed a couple of problems which I don't think are "policy
> worthy", but I'd like to mention them because they are things that I think
> CAs really need to get a hold of.
> The biggest thing that made me want to face-palm was CA staff asking for a
> copy of the private key when a key compromise is reported.  Seriously, stop
> this, *please*.  If I were a miscreant looking for juicy intel, a CA's
> problem reporting inbox would definitely be something I'd be all up
> inside.
> Inviting -- nay, *instructing* -- people to e-mail private keys to such a
> tasty, tasty target is not cool.
> Also, please bear in mind that the person reporting a compromise to you
> probably isn't getting paid for doing so, and is under no obligation to
> help
> you out beyond providing suitable evidence to prove compromise.  I had
> several CAs ask for any further info I had about the keys I had reported,
> because in many cases these were significant web properties whose keys had
> been compromised, and they were keen to determine how the compromise
> occurred.  When I had the time, I shared what information I had, once I'd
> confirmed that the certificates were revoked and/or the location of the key
> was no longer available.  In most cases, I got some sort of thanks.  In
> other cases, I got radio silence.  Guess which CAs won't be getting any
> more
> of my time in the future, to provide them with information that solely
> benefits them and their paying customers?
> So anyway, that's everything I've got for now.  I hope that at least some
> people found it interesting.  I'll start posting separate thread-starting
> e-mails about specific things that I think need to be changed next week.
> In
> the meantime, feel free to ask questions, kibbitz about my methods, or
> otherwise comment upon what I've written up.
> - Matt
> [1] It is hard to give an exact number because filtering pre-certs vs
> "live"
>     certs isn't trivial The vast majority of the certificates had both a
>     certificate and a precertificate in the CT logs, so the actual number
> of
>     "real" certs revoked is a little over half that number.  However, in
>     some cases only a precertificate was found in CT, and in other cases
>     only a live certificate was found, so the number of "live" certificates
>     is definitely greater than half of the total number in my count.
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