On Monday, April 13, 2020 at 12:07:40 PM UTC-5, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
> All,
> I am pleased to announce that Ben Wilson has joined Mozilla as a CA 
> Program Manager!
> Ben has worked in PKI security, compliance, and policy since 1998. 
> Previously, he worked at DigiCert in various roles, including VP of PKI 
> Operations, VP of Compliance, and Chair of DigiCert’s Policy Authority 
> team to develop and communicate policies and practices for internal and 
> external stakeholders. Ben has also been very involved in the CA/Browser 
> Forum. He is a former Chair of the CA/Browser Forum and of the American 
> Bar Association’s Information Security Committee. Over the years, Ben 
> has also participated in this mozilla.dev.security.policy forum.
> Here are some of the things that Ben will be responsible for:
> + Steps 3 through 9 of Mozilla’s root inclusion process[1], which 
> includes the detailed CP/CPS reviews[2] and the public discussion phase[3]
> + CA Incident Bugs[4]
> + Updates to Mozilla’s Root Store Policy[5] and the Common CCADB 
> Policy[6], including prioritizing potential changes[7] and leading 
> discussions to determine the actual changes
> + Represent Mozilla in the CA/Browser Forum, along with Wayne
> I have added Ben to the Policy_Participants wiki page[8], and updated 
> Wayne's entry.
> Welcome, Ben!
> Thanks,
> Kathleen
> [1] https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Application_Process
> [2] https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Application_Verification#Detailed_Review
> [3] https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Application_Verification#Public_Discussion
> [4] https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Incident_Dashboard
> [5] 
> https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/governance/policies/security-group/certs/policy/
> [6] https://www.ccadb.org/policy
> [7] https://github.com/mozilla/pkipolicy/issues
> [8] https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA/Policy_Participants

Thanks for sharing Kathleen and I am thrilled to hear this news.  Ben, we 
certainly look forward to continuing working with you in this new role.  

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