The key could be easily used if the attacked exported the key and started 
signing SCTs. However, they would be able to use it to sign SCTs in DigiCert’s 
log for fake certs without knowing the full infrastructure.

We will definitely have a full post-mortem on the issue. However, I wanted to 
post early to give everyone a head’s up about the incident and allow the 
browsers to take any action required in protecting relying parties.

I can say we reacted to the vulnerability when we were notified by Salt that it 
impacted our system. However, I’m not sure why we were not notified and did not 
react to the media publication when it first came out. That is a question we 
are digging into.

From: Ian Carroll <>
Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2020 5:55 PM
To: Jeremy Rowley <>
Cc: Mozilla <>
Subject: Re: CT2 log signing key compromise

Hi Jeremy,

Can you clarify why you believe the signing key cannot be easily used? Is there 
a cryptographic limitation in what was disclosed?

Also, do you have plans for a more formal post-mortem? Since vulnerability 
management is usually an organization-wide process, it would be useful to 
understand why it failed here, in the event it could have carried over to other 
DigiCert infrastructure.

Ian Carroll

On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 4:19 PM Jeremy Rowley via dev-security-policy 
Hey all,

The key used to sign SCTs for the CT2 log was compromised yesterday at 7pm 
through the Salt root bug. The remaining logs remain uncompromised and run on 
separate infrastructure.  We discovered the compromise today and are working to 
turn that log into read only mode so that no new SCTs are issued. We doubt the 
key was used to sign anything as you'd need to know the CT build to do so. 
However, as a precaution, we ask that you consider all SCTs invalid if the SCT 
was issued from CT2 after 7pm MST on May 2nd . Please let me know what 
questions you have.

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