
I have been doing some checks on certificates with the AIA Issuers
field. I already reported certificates with a 403 error on the HTTP url
of the intermediate (see earlier mail).

Now there's more stuff to be found and I'm wondering:
* Are there rules that CAs must adhere to in regards to referencing the
  intermediate in the AIA field? Does it need to be available? Does it
  need to be there at all?

* It seems common practice and desired by RFCs to have the intermediate
  referenced in binary DER format and not PEM encoded. But some
  certificates do reference PEM encoded intermediates. Is this a
  violation of any rule and should this be reported as an incident?

* RfC 5280 says certificates should be served as
  "application/pkix-cert". Is it a violation of any rule if they are
  not? (application/x-x509-ca-cert is common, no content type and
  completely bogus content types linke text/html also happen.)

Hanno Böck
dev-security-policy mailing list

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