On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 05:14:47AM -0700, Corey Bonnell via dev-security-policy 
> Feedback and suggestions for improvements are greatly appreciated.  Even
> if this format is not adopted as a standard mechanism for providing proof
> of key compromise, I hope that by posting it here there will be robust
> discussion on the topic of developing and adopting such a standard
> mechanism.

I'm yet to have a CA baulk at accepting a CSR as proof of compromise.  It
has the benefit of not having nearly as many superfluous fields as a
certificate, as well.  In terms of being able to deal with the format, I'd
expect that a CA would be at least as able to deal with validating a CSR as a
certificate, given that their job is to validate CSR signatures, but not
necessarily to validate certificate signatures...

Also, in an *extreme* nit-pick, something about the use of the word
"proof" in the name doesn't sit right.  I refer to the artifacts that I
produce as "attestations of compromise", as I feel that's a better
description than a "proof".  However, it doesn't produce nearly as good an

The "standardised" key compromise attestation format I've been leaning
towards is a CSR whose subject DN is something like "CN=This key is
compromised!", and which includes a critical "poison" extension, to minimise
the risks of accidental acceptance still further.  I'm still unsure about
how to control for the possibility of social engineered mis-signing, because
the idea of someone managing to pull such a trick concerns me, but there's
an argument to be made that if someone can be tricked into signing arbitrary
content, that key is kinda busted anyway.

- Matt

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