Hanno Böck <ha...@hboeck.de> writes:

>I think this is generally a good idea, however I'd propose that you don't
>generate any new keys, but just re-use keys from existing RFC.
>RFCs 4474 4870 4871 6216 7468 8225 8410 8463 8479 8696 8946 8995 9092 contain
>private keys.

I had a look and... that's a real cargo-cult exercise, those keys are in all
sorts of formats, many have inappropriate sizes like 768 bits, and some only
have public but no private keys (or at least I couldn't find any in one or
more of the above when I looked).  The advantage of generating new ones is
that I can just script the creation of the right key types in the right sizes
without having to extract things from all over the place, so I can just dump
the output of the generation code into an RFC draft without a lot of hand-

Since no-one's said it's a bad idea, I'll get to work in a draft.  I was

RSA: 1024, 2048, 4096
DLP (DSA, DH, etc): 1024, 2048, 4096
ECC: P256, P384, P521

That should cover 99.99% of the usual suspects without bringing in a mass of
oddball sizes and algorithms.


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