Hanno and Julien, thanks for confirming that EC key generation was enabled in 
the affected Debian distributions.

https://github.com/CVE-2008-0166/key_generator is now able to generate the 
secp256r1 and secp384r1 keypairs that are predictable (due to the CVE-2008-0166 
vulnerability), and I've generated and added the private keys (uncompressed, 
with named curve parameters, in SEC1 format) to 

Do you have any thoughts on whether CAs should also consider the compressed 
and/or hybrid point conversion forms when blocking the corresponding public 
keys?  The vulnerable Debian OpenSSL versions appear to support these point 
conversion forms - "openssl ecparam -genkey -conv_form 
<compressed,uncompressed,hybrid>" - but AFAICT the "-conv_form" option is 
always ignored when "-genkey" is used.

I think the best approach is for CAs to use some sort of normalized form when 
performing key checks.  For example: always set the public exponent to 65537 
before adding an RSA public key to a blocklist (or before checking if it's 
already blocked); and always convert the EC point to the uncompressed form 
before adding an EC public key to a blocklist (or before checking if it's 
already blocked).

BTW Hanno, there are some discrepancies between the predictable EC keypairs in 
https://github.com/CVE-2008-0166/private_keys and the ones in 
https://github.com/badkeys/debianopenssl :
  - In around half of your "noreadrnd" (aka "nornd-old") keys, the public key 
BITSTRING has a nonzero "unused bits" octet.  (AIUI, the "unused bits" should 
always be zero, because https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5915#section-3 defers 
to https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5480#section-2.2, which defines the public 
key as an OCTET STRING).
  - Some of your "noreadrnd" key files cannot be parsed by "openssl ec".  For 
example, 10211-nornd-old.key is missing a trailing 0x00 byte at the end of the 
public key.  (Compare that against 

From: Hanno Böck <ha...@hboeck.de>
Sent: 08 July 2022 13:29
To: Rob Stradling <r...@sectigo.com>
Cc: dev-security-policy@mozilla.org <dev-security-policy@mozilla.org>
Subject: Re: Debian Weak Keys and ECDSA

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
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On Fri, 8 Jul 2022 12:18:39 +0000
Rob Stradling <r...@sectigo.com> wrote:

> Hi Hanno.  I agree that the OpenSSL 0.9.8 branch contained ECDSA
> code, but it was possible for distro maintainers to easily disable
> this during the build process.  I know that Red Hat did this due to
> ECC patent concerns, and I've always assumed that Debian did too.
> Have you looked into whether or not Debian's 2008 OpenSSL build
> process started with something like this...

It doesn't.
Check here, which is one of the versions in the affected timeframe:

openssl_0.9.8g-3.diff.gz adds a few no-* options to the compilation,
but not no-ec.

Also given I actually created ec keys with those affected versions I am
pretty sure they haven't disabled it :-)

Hanno Böck

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