Would it perhaps be best if Mozilla disabled web posting? In my experience
with other Google groups it has caused nothing but problems. I also think
it is reasonable to assume people participating in this list will have
access to a working email account that they can use to post and
receive emails from the list.

If requiring a working email address (ideally from the same domain as the
one they claim to represent) is too high of a bar for CAs, then, well, I
don't know what to say. I feel like a CA (root, intermediate, reseller or
otherwise) should be able to set up their own email domain, no?

On Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 8:26 PM Xiaohui Lam <inaos...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [image: wx20230613-102...@2x.png]
> Kurt Seifried,
> Because there's some translation problem with google groups poor
> translation, I did not distinguish effectively “reply all"(回复全部) and "reply
> author"(回复作者).
> I clicked the last and triggered PM to your inbox.
> It also bothers me that it doesn't show up in the list after I send it.
> but the discriminatory connotation of this discomfort frustrates me, very.
> 在2023年6月11日星期日 UTC+8 02:08:47<Kurt Seifried> 写道:
>> Forwarding this to the list, I'm not comfortable with off list
>> discussions in private.
>> On Sat, Jun 10, 2023 at 11:18 AM Xiaohui Lam <inao...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Mr Seifried,
>>> > Is this really a situation where something extremely suspicious
>>> (remote code execution, CA's with multiple entities, some of which don't
>>> seem to properly exist, etc.) is going to be swept under the rug with a
>>> simple "yeah, we revoked this bad actors certificates, everything is fine"?
>>> We are a reseller, not a physical root CA. This is a widely accepted
>>> solution for cross border businesses. We have business accepts online
>>> payment, the China users needs pay via alipay or wechat, to sign up the
>>> merchant we must have a china company,
>>> and foreign needs stripe, merchant must be a non-MainlandChina company.
>>> this is not suspicious.
>>> *. I represent the above opinion of my company
>>> > If HiCA can do this, how do we know there are not more
>>> intermediate/reseller CAs doing this?
>>> Most CA has no necessary to exploiting this RCE, because they can natively
>>> compatible with RFC 8555, they can define own CPS and CP, which
>>> contains validation policy, we does because we are not CA and can't to
>>> provider RFC 8555 ACME endpoint like a CA does. so a physical root CA has
>>> no necessary to provide ACME simulation by RCE. and also there're more
>>> difficulties for a ssl reseller to provide ACME service which real CAs
>>> won't undergo.
>>> - CSR stage difference: Most CA's subscriber request process or reseller
>>> API process, requires CSR be submitted in the `new-order` API, ACME
>>> requires CSR be submitted in `finalize` API. I have a topic in letsencrypt
>>> community years ago about this -
>>> https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/why-acme-requires-domain-auth-first-before-csr/98482
>>> - Challenge difference: Most CA's  subscriber request process or
>>> reseller API process's DNS validation requires `_<md5>` / `_dnsauth`
>>> dnshost, and dnstype possibly CNAME or possibly TXT, But ACME's DNS
>>> validation dnshost is constant: `_acme-challenge`, dnstype `TXT`.  And in a
>>> more deep talk ACME's dnsvalue needs publickey's thumbprint + server token
>>> which is totally different than traditional way's dnsvalue.
>>> My opinion is community can research how many ACME was publicly
>>> provided, and investigate is the provider a physical CA. if is natively
>>> compatible with RFC 8555, no worry about that one and continue do 
>>> investigate
>>> next.
>>> *. I represent the above opinion of my personal. not my company.
>>> Sincere,
>>> Bruce.
>>> 在2023年6月11日星期日 UTC+8 00:39:16<Kurt Seifried> 写道:
>>> Is this really a situation where something extremely suspicious (remote
>>> code execution, CA's with multiple entities, some of which don't seem to
>>> properly exist, etc.) is going to be swept under the rug with a simple
>>> "yeah, we revoked this bad actors certificates, everything is fine"?
>>> If HiCA can do this, how do we know there are not more
>>> intermediate/reseller CAs doing this?
>>> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36252310.
>>> Just a note, apparently, websites have been shut down and stuff deleted
>>> with respect to HiCA.
>>> Posting some of the threads here in case they get removed or whatever:
>>> ==================
>>> egecks 1 day ago | prev | next [–]
>>> I think the title buries the most horrifying part of this. The HiCA
>>> certificate authority is relying on an RCE to do an end-run around the
>>> semantics of the ACME HTTP-01 validation method.
>>> Fucked up and they should be booted from every root program for this.
>>> =================
>>> 0x0 1 day ago | prev | next [–]
>>> Looks like they are issuing under a sub-CA of "ssl.com" according to
>>> https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/issues/4659#issue...
>>> Interestingly, the mozilla dev-security-policy group seems to contain a
>>> recent discussion about including "ssl.com" in the root store here
>>> https://groups.google.com/a/mozilla.org/g/dev-security-polic...
>>> Curious to know if this could, maybe it should, have ripple effects to
>>> the various SSL Root CA programs. Having someone run a subCA that actually
>>> exploits an RCE against ACME clients doesn't seem very trustworthy, and any
>>> CA enabling this behaviour should probably be kicked out of the trust
>>> stores?
>>> reply
>>> agwa 1 day ago | parent | next [–]
>>> The sub CA is operated by ssl.com, not HiCA (which is not a trusted
>>> certificate authority). HiCA is relaying the certificate requests to
>>> ssl.com, which is properly validating the requests in accordance with
>>> all the requirements. ssl.com isn't doing anything wrong. That's why
>>> HiCA needs to exploit an RCE in acme.sh - ACME doesn't support relaying
>>> certificate requests to other CAs like this.
>>> reply
>>> 0x0 23 hours ago | root | parent | next [–]
>>> Someone posted a comment on github claiming they are the founder of
>>> Quantum (the sub CA of ssl.com - see https://crt.sh/?caid=200960 ) and
>>> that they are the provider of the HiCA service. So it does sound like there
>>> is a closer link here than your comment would indicate:
>>> https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/issues/4659#issue...
>>> reply
>>> agwa 23 hours ago | root | parent | next [–]
>>> Quantum is not a trusted CA. ssl.com has a white-labeled intermediate
>>> CA with the name "Quantum" in it, but this intermediate CA is operated by
>>> ssl.com under all the same controls as ssl.com's other intermediate
>>> CAs. Quantum has no ability to issue trusted certificates themselves.
>>> reply
>>> 0x0 23 hours ago | root | parent | next [–]
>>> So the person claiming to be the founder of "QuantumCA" does not possess
>>> the private key corresponding to https://crt.sh/?caid=200960 - can we
>>> be sure the private key is only accessible by ssl.com's CA system? So
>>> the certificates listed here aren't issued by this person, but by the
>>> ssl.com's system?
>>> https://crt.sh/?Identity=%25&iCAID=200960&exclude=expired&de...
>>> Also, why would ssl.com even create a subCA named "QuantumCA"? Are they
>>> in business with this person claiming to be the founder of "QuantumCA" who
>>> appears to be responsible for exploiting this acme.sh 0day? What does this
>>> say about ssl.com's trustworthiness? Or is the person in the github
>>> comments lying?
>>> reply
>>> agwa 23 hours ago | root | parent | next [–]
>>> > So the person claiming to be the founder of "QuantumCA" does not
>>> possess the private key corresponding to https://crt.sh/?caid=200960 -
>>> can we be sure the private key is only accessible by ssl.com's CA
>>> system? So the certificates listed here aren't issued by this person, but
>>> by the ssl.com's system?
>>> https://crt.sh/?Identity=%25&iCAID=200960&exclude=expired&de...
>>> Correct. You can see the Quantum intermediates listed in ssl.com's most
>>> recent audit statement, meaning an auditor has verified that ssl.com
>>> has controls to protect the private key:
>>> https://www.cpacanada.ca/generichandlers/CPACHandler.ashx?at...
>>> (The audit could be flawed, but it's the same amount of assurance we
>>> have for any intermediate CA's private key - the fact that "QuantumCA" is
>>> in the name does not change the risk calculus)
>>> > Also, why would ssl.com even create a subCA named "QuantumCA"? Are
>>> they in business with this person claiming to be the founder of "QuantumCA"
>>> who appears to be responsible for exploiting this acme.sh 0day? What does
>>> this say about ssl.com's trustworthiness? Or is the person in the
>>> github comments lying?
>>> There is a business relationship between QuantumCA and ssl.com.
>>> QuantumCA is a reseller of ssl.com, and they've paid extra to ssl.com
>>> so that the certificates they purchase get issued from an intermediate CA
>>> named "QuantumCA" rather than one of ssl.com's usual intermediate CAs
>>> which have "ssl.com" in the name. This lets QuantumCA pretend to be a
>>> real CA. This is a common practice in the industry, and I don't think it
>>> says anything about the trustworthiness of ssl.com, because the
>>> business relationship with QuantumCA doesn't in any way subvert the
>>> integrity of the WebPKI since ssl.com retains control of the issuance.
>>> Still, I wish intermediate CA white-labeling were banned because it causes
>>> terrible confusion about who is and isn't a CA.
>>> reply
>>> 0x0 23 hours ago | root | parent | next [–]
>>> I find it troubling that a root CA (ssl.com) is apparently OK with
>>> lending their name in a business relationship with an actor that is
>>> actively exploiting an acme.sh 0day.
>>> tptacek 20 hours ago | root | parent | next [–]
>>> This feels a little bit like doubling down to find ways to implicate the
>>> actual CA instead of the reseller. It's clear how mismanagement by a real
>>> CA would make a more interesting story than by this random
>>> no-longer-existing pseudo-reseller, but I don't think there's evidence to
>>> support that story yet.
>>> reply
>>> 0x0 20 hours ago | root | parent | next [–]
>>> But it's not a random pseudo-reseller? The one github comment from "the
>>> founder of Quantum CA" seems to say they are also the creator of HiCA,
>>> which is the entity that was exploiting the 0day in acme.sh. And the crt.sh
>>> link shows an intermediate CA cert named "QuantumCA", signed by ssl.com.
>>> So QuantumCA == HiCA == exploiters of the acme.sh 0day, it's all the
>>> same entity? The intermediate CA could just as well be named
>>> "0dayexploitersCA"? Why is it not a huge concern that ssl.com is fine
>>> with operating such a "0dayexploitersCA" intermediate?
>>> Am I missing something here?
>>> reply
>>> =================
>>> On Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 1:32 PM Xiaohui Lam <inao...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Mr mochaaP,
>>> We're running businesses under multi entities, one is UK company, and
>>> one is CN company, the UK company is registered and running by a former
>>> workmate which leaved our team, and CN company is registered and running by
>>> me.
>>> We do stopped from selling SSL.com certificate due to business concern
>>> and the cross-sign root expiration concern, That meantime we do have some
>>> cooperates with other CAs without whitelabel/intermediateCA, some CAs are
>>> directly implemented and some are tier-2 implements(under other resellers).
>>> So, our website is kept running, including HiCA keeps.
>>> But we will stop all misleading business to stop provide our Quantum
>>> brand products, only contain our China company's materials.
>>> My KEY OPINION: our China entity has been kept in existence so we kept
>>> the reselling business.
>>> Sincere.
>>> Bruce Lam
>>> 在2023年6月10日星期六 UTC+8 03:13:11<mochaaP> 写道:
>>> Hi Xiaohui,
>>> I think you may have misunderstood my message. What I meant to convey
>>> was that I am skeptical of your intention to resell your own CA for a
>>> dissolved Ltd. that was not subject to having its certificate revoked. We
>>> believe that this practice is uncommon for a reseller in such a case.
>>> Please understand that my message was not intended to be hateful towards
>>> you or your team. If you believe that this was an honest mistake, please
>>> reply to this thread with more details. The community values transparency
>>> and trust, and we would be happy to hear your perspective.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Zephyr Lykos
>>> On Saturday, June 10, 2023 at 1:08:08 AM UTC+8 Xiaohui Lam wrote:
>>> Thanks John to share this topic to the dev-security forum.
>>> This is HiCA founder, let me to explain your concern, Mr John ,
>>> the RCE is fully used to finish the challenge which validated by CAs, in
>>> another word, the ACME.sh-enrolled certificates which passing this RCE, it
>>> does compliant with each CA's BR validation requirements. CA did nothing
>>> wrong. And also by this trick can enroll any CA's certificate before
>>> acme.sh fix patch.
>>> and to Mr @mochaaP, you said to punish our team, we're NOT a public CA
>>> or private CA(in my understanding, a CA must manage a or more PKI
>>> infrastructure physically), [3]so the clarify relationship to HiCA w/
>>> QuantumCA is no necessary, but we still told we runs HiCA inside QuantumCA
>>> project's source code, it's a sub-application inside it.
>>> I agree @Andrew's opinion, CAs shouldn't take any responsibilities to
>>> the RCE incidents. or there are hundreds acme-tools for CAs need to concern.
>>> 在2023年6月10日星期六 UTC+8 00:43:47<mochaaP> 写道:
>>> Hello,
>>> Although HiCA is not a CA itself, the person own HiCA seems also owns
>>> (or at least works for) Quantum CA[1][2]. they also confirmed that Quantum
>>> CA is operated by both their team and SSL.com team[3].
>>> I think this probably is not as simple as a white-label intermediate CA
>>> being abused, rather a CA that resells their own product to themselves to
>>> prevent being punished for bad behaviors.
>>> [1]: https://github.com/xiaohuilam (see "Pinned" section)
>>> [2]: https://github.com/quantumca (see "People" section)
>>> [3]:
>>> https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/issues/4659#issuecomment-1584546150
>>> (note that this person never clearified their relationship with Quantum CA
>>> and only replied with "So this isn't the evidence to proof HiCA is a CA
>>> which managed PKI.")
>>> Regards,
>>> Zephyr Lykos
>>> On Friday, June 9, 2023 at 9:04:34 PM UTC+8 Andrew Ayer wrote:
>>> On Fri, 9 Jun 2023 05:42:22 -0700 (PDT)
>>> "John Han (hanyuwei70)" <hanyu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Here is the story.
>>> > https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/issues/4659
>>> >
>>> > Seems like they exploited acme.sh and let user to evade certificate
>>> > issuing procedure.
>>> >
>>> > Do we need to discuss this?
>>> The party in question (HiCA/QuantumCA) is not a certificate authority,
>>> and I don't see any evidence that the actual CAs in question evaded any
>>> validation requirements.
>>> HiCA/QuantumCA is just acting as an intermediary between subscribers
>>> and the issuance APIs operated by actual CAs[1]. Literally anyone can
>>> do this and do monumentally stupid/insecure things; it's not productive
>>> to have a discussion every time this happens.
>>> Regards,
>>> Andrew
>>> [1] It's true they have a reseller relationship with ssl.com, who are
>>> operating a white-label intermediate CA with "QuantumCA" in the
>>> subject, but HiCA/QuantnumCA are also fronting other CAs, including
>>> GTS, which doesn't require a reseller agreement to access their free
>>> ACME API, so I don't see that aspect as being productive to discuss
>>> either.
>>> --
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>>> .
>>> --
>>> Kurt Seifried (He/Him)
>>> ku...@seifried.org
>> --
>> Kurt Seifried (He/Him)
>> ku...@seifried.org

Kurt Seifried (He/Him)

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